Chapter 9-

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Samantha walked into gym as her first class of the day. She had checked in at the office and had conveniently come in between periods, allowing her to be on time for her P.E. class. 

Peter and Ned saw the girl and starred at her wide eyed. 

"Why is she here?" Peter asked no one, worried that the girl was straining her body. 

"I guess, she really is okay," Ned said to himself. 

Samantha waved at the two and they waved one simple wave back in sync, gaping at the girl. 

Samantha sat in front of the boys, meeting up with Michelle on the bleachers. 

"Hi. I'm Captain America. Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield..."

She was listening in to her friends behind her, who were truly failing at being quiet. At this rate everyone in the school would know Peter's secret identity. 

"Do you know him too?" Ned asked. 

"Yeah, we met. I stole his shield." 


"Today, my good friend, your gym teacher will be conducting the Captain America Fitness Challenge." 

Steve's voice made Samantha's chest ache as she missed her family members. 

"Thank you, Captain. Pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now, but, whatever, I have to show these videos. It's required by the state. Let's do it." The coach blew his whistle. 

Samantha sat by Michelle's feet, leaning on her legs, and listened to Michelle read the book to her. Neither were doing the sit-ups they were suppose to do. 

"Do Avengers have to pay taxes?" Ned asked Peter as Peter did sit-ups. 

"Shh." Peter hissed at him. 

"What does Hulk smell like?"


"I bet he smells nice." 

"You have to shut up."

"Is Captain America cool, or is he like a mean, old grandpa? 

"Ned, just, shh, okay?" 

"Hey, can I be your guy in the chair?" 


"You know, how there's a guy. With a headset... telling the other guy where to go? Like, if you're in a burning building, I could tell you where to go because there'd be screens around me and I could swivel around. I could be your guy in the chair. " 

"Ned, I don't need a guy in the chair."

"Looking good, Parker," the coach said, walking by. 

"Now, see, for me, it would be F Thor... marry Iron Man and kill Hulk," Betty Brant said to Liz on the bleachers with two other classmates. 

"Well, what about the Spider-Man?" one of them asked. 

"It's just 'Spider-Man'," Liz corrected him. "Did you guys see the back security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys. And Samantha told me he saved her, right Sammy?" Liz called Samantha over with a wave of her hand. "Didn't Spider-Man save you?" 

"Oh.. uh yeah, he did. I was walking home and some guys attacked em and Spider-Man fought all three of them off," Samantha said awkwardly hugging her chest and blushing. 

"Oh, my God, they're crushing on Spider-Man," Betty said. 

"No way," the boy from earlier said. 

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