Chapter 8-

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"Uncle Tony? What happened?" she said trying to sit up but wincing in pain.

"You got hit by a pretty powerful weapon," he said smiling softly at the girl, glad that she was okay. 

"Peter!" she said in a rush, suddenly remembering the night before.

"He's fine. He's the one who called me when you got hit. Even dropped you off here."


Tony rolled his eyes as he saw Samantha relax. He knew what that meant and he was not thrilled about it, but ignored it.

"Samantha, why were you walking around last night?"

Both bodies were tense. One in anger, the other in worry after hearing her full name.

"I forgot homework in my locker. So after training I had them drop me off and decided to walk home. And when I saw Spider-Man and I just couldn't move," she rushed out, attempting to explain.

Tony shook his head and start pacing her room slowly.

"You realize how stupid that was right!? My driver could have taken you home!"

"I know! But I thought I could handle it! And I could of if alien tech didn't blast me off my feet!"

"I give you a driver so nothing happens to you, Sammy," Tony said, sounding tired.

"Uncle Tony, I get that... But I want to learn how to start taking care of myself," she said softly.

Tiny sighed and walked over to Samantha. He grabbed her head and hugged it to his stomach.

"You're right... You need to be able to take care of yourself. I just need to recognize that."


"You got bit by a spider? Can it bite me? Well, it probably would've hurt, right? You know what, whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me. Maybe. How much did it hurt?" Ned asked as Peter and him walked to school. 

Peter carried all his school supplies in his hand as he still hadn't gotten a new backpack after his was stolen yesterday. 

"The spider's dead, Ned."

"Whoa, " Ned said staring at Mr. Delmar's. "You were here?"

"Yeah, so was Samantha." 

"You could've died. Do you lay eggs?" 

"What? No," Peter asked starring at his friend incredulously. He laughed at his friends question.

"Sammy got hit by a blast and is okay?" Ned asked, knowing the answer as Peter had already explained it to him. 

"Yeah, she was fine. Still breathing, just knocked out." 

"There is no way that is humanly possible." 

"Well, I don't know. That's what happened. Maybe she got hit by the rubble rather than the actual blast. I'm not really sure." 


Ned had questioned Peter about his powers all day and now as they were at his locker, he continued to ask questions. 

"Do you really think Sammy is okay?" Ned asked again.

"Yes, Ned. I checked her myself and Mr. Stark is with her now."

"But just look at what those guns did to Delmar's."

"I know, Ned. I saw it last night and again this morning with you. And Sammy looked nothing like Delmar's. Not even a drop of blood except for where she hit her head," Peter said, trying to make his friend let it go.

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