Chapter 5-

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Another beautiful cover made by the amazing bookslover015

Samantha stood in her towel fresh out of the shower. Her training had been simple as she met her trainer, Benjamin Russel. It had felt like a p.e. class as all she did was work out today and he recorded her times among other things.

She looked into her closest, unsure how she was expected to dress for this dinner. Did she dress formally, semi-formal, or casual?

With a groan, she sunk onto her bed. She closed her eyes for a few minutes trying to remain calm. She wasn't meeting her boyfriend's parents but that sure is what it felt like.

Standing, she grabbed a light blue chiffon shirt quickly before she could change her mind and a shim length black pencil skirt.

She ran her comb through the ends of her hair quickly before slipping on her flats and hurrying out the door before she changed her mind. 

Samantha approached the door across the hall and raised her hand before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. A knock sounded through the quiet hallway and to Samantha her heart sounded just as loud. 

"Hey, Sammy," Peter said opening the door. "Aunt May is in the kitchen. She's just sending me out to get a few more things we need, but we both really know why she's getting rid of me." 

Samantha laughed at Peter's comment, already growing more relaxed, but wondering if he could hear her heart. 

"Okay, well take your time. I'm sure May and I could find things to talk about without you here," she said winking at him. Her brave flirtation shocked herself. But it pleased her, as Peter softly blushed before walking around her. 

The door closed after Samantha and she walked towards the kitchen. 

"Hi, May," she said sweetly, but loud enough for the women at the stove to hear her. 

May turned around, dropping the spoon on the counter in the process. 

"Sammy!" She said, reaching towards the girl for a hug. "How are you?" 

"Good," Samantha replied, blushing as May held onto he looking her directly in the eyes. 

"Still in love with my nephew?" May asked with a small smirk. 

The air left Samantha's lungs and she began coughing in surprise. 

May quickly handed the girl a glass of water before turning back to the stove. "Well that definitely means yes." But she remained unaware of the young girls bright red face. 

"You know I've been telling you for years that he likes you too." 

"Yes, I know and when I ask if he actually told you that or you're guessing you say well..." 

"No, but I think I know my nephew well enough to know." 

"Exactly," Samantha muttered, leaning on the counter and placing her head in her hands. 

May turned around with one hand on her hip. The frown on her face slipped into a small smile upon seeing the girl. She rolled her eyes at the girls pout on her lips that reminded her all too much of when she use to babysit her. 

"Mark my words, Samantha Tamasin Wilson. You will one day be my family," she said with a smirk before turning around. "Now come help me and chop up these tomatoes." 

Samantha shook her head, but walked over to the cutting board and did as May asked. The topic of her crush on Peter was dropped and the two used their time alone to catch up in what was going on in their lives. 

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