Chapter 7-

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Samantha at the face of Benjamin Russel. She swung an arm at him which he easily dodged.

With a roll of his eyes, Ben grabbed her arm, tripped her and pinned her to the ground. "Dead."

He stood and helped her up.

"What am I doing wrong?" she sighed, sipping on water

"You're both using your powers to see my defensive moves. You're only using them to see my attacks."

"But I don't even know how to use them! I can't control them. Well then, I'm going to have to teach you to control them. No more physical training until then."

"But Uncle Tony only wants me trained physically to protect myself. He doesn't want me using my powers."

"Well screw, Tony. I'm your trainer and for you to be strongest you need to control your powers."

"Tony told me your powers were similar to mine but didn't specify...." she trailed off, hinting that she wanted an explanation.

"I have an enhanced cognition. Nothing as open ended as you. I can pick weapons usage, skills, and languages up easily."

"So what do I do?"

"Focus on someone. Pick a person and try to see what they're doing. Try to force the power to do what you want not what it wants."

Samantha closed her eyes. Scrunching her face, as she tried to focus. She opened one eye to peak at Benjamin who simply stared at her with a smirk.

She sighed and tightened her closed eyes.

"Ben this isn't working," she said with her eyes closed.

"Sure it is," he replied simply.

Quieting down, she tried again. C'mon give me something.

Samantha sagged her shoulders and looked at her trainer. With a small shake of her head, he smiled at her downcast look.

"Sammy, not getting a vision is better than getting one you didn't want."

"What do you mean?"

He nodded over to the mirror.

Samantha stood and stared at her the various 10 hair clips placed throughout her hair.

"You stopped from having unwanted visions because you focused on one person."

" I want to try again." she said suddenly with a determined face.

Benjamin nodded and she sat back down.

Closing her eyes, she focused on one person willing her mind to focus on them.

"It's okay, Sammy. I know you normally get them with a person so being away from them might not work."

But she did not relent.

A flash or red and blue caused her to snap her eyes open. She froze in shock staring at Benjamin with her mouth in a small o.

A big smile broke out on her face as she hugged Benjamin quickly.

"I did it! I mean I just saw colors but I did it!" she said excitedly.

"Good job," he said laughing and returning her hug. "Let's get you home."

She smiled up at him.

Samantha slammed her locker closed. She had the driver drop her off at school since she had forgotten her textbook.

She began her walk home. Feeling quite pleased with herself, a smile remained on her face.

She felt safer with herself. She was stronger, faster, and was starting to gain a control of her powers to use it when she needs it and in new ways.

A Twisted Intuition (Peter Parker) | EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt