Chapter 12-

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So this chapter was a hassle. A Wattpad glitch deleted my chapter so I rewrote it and then my chapter came back. So then I read the chapters side by side and took my favorite parts from each. So please vote and comment if you enjoyed this because man did I struggle.

As her back hit the ground, her mind cleared.

She laid on the mat breathing heavy while her instructor got off her.

"I can already tell from the look on your face. What's up? What are you going to ask me?" Benjamin asked the young teen.

"So at the party, I had a vision and so I saved Peter, but Tony yelled at me and told me I shouldn't help. He's told me my entire life that my powers are mental only and I can get hurt in a fight."

"But?..." Benjamin pushed Samantha.

"But today before I came here for training, Peter needed my help. He wanted to use my intuition and he believed in me! And I liked it, just like I enjoyed rushing to save him from drowning.

"Okay, Samantha. If tony asks, I didn't say this, but if you think you're suppose to be a hero, then you're suppose to be a hero."

Samantha sat cross legged and stared at her hands in her lap.

"Do you think I can be a hero?" She asked him.

"Easily, and if we get your intuition under control, you'd easily be at no disadvantage. If you really want to be a hero, then go for it. I'm training you to be one."

"Thanks, Ben."

"Don't thank me yet. We aren't done with training."

He helped Samantha on her feet and they began their practice fight again. There were noticeable changes this time around as Samantha held her weight against her instructor.

The confidence around Samantha was different. She relaxed into herself and trusted in her intuition to tell her when Benjamin would strike, how to stop it, and how to retaliate.

Any bystander would see that she was his equal in this fight and was easily fighting better than the one a few minutes before.
"Catch your breath before we start your mental training."

"Wonderful," Samantha muttered after sipping on her water.

"Shut up. If you really want to be a superhero, then you need your intuition to be quick. So quick that if you were in a fight with Quicksilver himself, you would know what he was doing before he would. If you could do that I believe you can be a hero."

"Okay, what do I do?"

"Close your eyes. I'm going to name things and I need you to see them at this exact moment in your mind. Nod when you see it."

"Empire State Building." A nod.

"Statue of Liberty." A nod.

"Tony." A nod.

It was rapid fire as soon as she nodded another one was coming at her and she took no more than two seconds to nod after his requests.

"Spider-Man." A nod.

"Captain America." A nod.

"The Winter Soldier." A nod.

"A penguin from the south pole."

Right as Samantha went to nod, with her eyes still closed. She raised her hand intuitively and grabbed the fist that Benjamin was throwing at her. She opened her eyes staring at her hand around his.

"Did you see the penguin?" He asked softly.

She looked him in the eye and nodded.

"Good, practice that. As soon as you see what you're thinking of change to the next. Give yourself no time to rest, but don't close off to what's around you."

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