~Serpent Slut~

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Archie rubbed Veronica's back as she slept silently. It was about 2 in the morning and Veronica had just fallen asleep, Archie stared at her serpent tattoo on her shoulder. Veronica didn't move an inch as Archie pulled her closer into his chest, he let her go once and he made sure he would never do it again.Archie got a text from Jughead.

Weirdo: Why isn't Veronica answering her phone, she okay?

Dumbass: Yeah she's sleeping, what's up?

Weirdo: She hasn't responded to my texts, just tell her to get down to the Whyte Wyrm or Tallboy will lose his shit.

Dumbass: Why?

Weirdo: I can't tell you until it's over.

Dumbass: Just keep her safe, if she has to do this shit I don't want her getting hurt,okay?

Weirdo: I'll keep her safe, scouts honor.

Dumbass: Thanks Bro

Weirdo: You're Welcome, "Bro"

   Archie tapped Veronica slightly, "mhhh" said a sleepy Veronica. "Babe Jug said to meet him at the Whyte Wyrm." "K." Veronica attampted to get out of the bed which ended with her falling of the bed."Well shit." Archie laughed at his girlfriend as he pulled her up. Veronica stared at Archie's bare chest. "My eyes are up here.". Veronica giggled and said," I'm gonna get in the shower.". Archie bit his lip and said,"The shower huh.". "Archie no.". Archie looked at her with puppy dog eyes and said,"Archie yes?". Veronica stroked her chin pretending to think,"Archie yes.". The redhead picked up his raven haired girlfriend and slammed her on the bathroom counter. Not leaving the embrace of each others bodies they rushed to get the others clothes off, proceeding to hop in the shower. Invatuated by each others presence the to looked into each others eyes and smiled. "I need to get dressed now." "Okay, I'll go make you breakfast." "Arch it's like 2:30 go back to bed." "Nah, you need to eat.". He kissed her on the cheek and ran off to make breakfast.

                                                At the Whyte Wyrm

                                             Veronica's P.O.V

 Jughead approached me as I laid my head down on the bar table. He came up to me and tapped my shoulder."What?". "You need to wake up,it's starting soon." "What is, it's 3 something and instead of sleeping i'm at a bar with a bunch of middle aged men." " Calm down sleepyhead, you're acting like an angsty teen." "You mean like you.". "Wow just snach my neck.". "It's 3 in the morning and you're talking like a drag queen, just tell me why the hell were here.".  "New member, girl...". "Ugh, how old is she?". "Actually their are two of them, i don't know their ages.".  Jughead looked at me and said,"Just hope it's not some crusty old lady in a thong.". "Oh god Forsythe don't put the image in my head.". They yelled at us and told us to shut the hell up because it was starting. The lights cut off and Skin by Rhianna began to play. All of sudden a women in a dark emerald green lingere with a built in choker stepped on stage. She turned around and it was someone I would've never guessed. Gereldaine  Grundy. "I turned to Jughead who was trying so hard not to piss himself. "What the hell is Grundy doing here?!". "I don't know, but who the hell is the other girl?". "I tuned around to a familiar face. A certain blonde pranced around in white lingere. Mackenzie. I ran out as Jughead chased after me. I was having a full flegded panic attack. I sat on the side walk shaking. Jughead sat down beside me and told me to breathe. "In...and out. Inhale......Exhale, good Veronica, who is that girl?" "Mackenzie, it's Ashton's girlfriend...she made him rape me and I hate her so f$cking much Jughead.". "It's okay." "Can you please just leave, I wanna be alone.". "Okay, I'll see you at school." "Bye Jug.". I sat outside for awhile until I was attacked from behind. I turned around to Grundy and Mackenzie pulling a knife on me. Grundy cut my cheek as Mackenzie carved the word Serpent Slut in my arm. As they continued to beat the utter crap out of me I just waited for it to be over. Grundy looked at me as she got off of me and said,"We win." I looked at her and scoffed,"How I got Archie.". She tried to grab me again but i ran off to quick. I walked up to Archie's porch with my shirt on my cut leaving me in only my serpent jacket. Luckily for me Archie was in the living room. He saw me from the window and smiled. His eyes went to my arm and them a rush of worry brushed across his face. I don't think i'd ever seen someone run so fast. He swung the door open and start saying,"RONNIE OH MY GOD WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!". "It's okay, a bunch of ghoulies jumped me i'm okay.". He took me upstairs to bandage me up and change out of my bloody clothes. He handed me a black tshirt and kissed my forehead. He went to bandage me up and took the teeshirt of my arm. He read the words she had carved on my skin and looked at me as I began to cry."Ronnie, babe don't ever think you are less than what you are, god you're not what this says, you;re beautiful,smart,caring,I could go on but I'm just gonna hug you instead.". Archie pulled me onto his lap as I burrowed into his chest.

Thanks for reading my Vixens. As always if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please let me know. I'm getting a bit of writers block so please provide me with some ideas thanks babe.<3

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