*All Alone* Chapter 8

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                                                                        Jughead's P.O.V

I was talking with some of the serpents when I got a call from Archie. "Hey, Archie." "Jug get Vegas and Betty and don't let them out of your sight. Promise me you'll keep them safe!" Archie said this so frantically and out of breath.'of course, I wouldn't let anything happen to them." I was very worried for my best friend. "Thanks Jug, call Ronnie and make sure she is ok,be safe ok?" "Ok." I called Veronica and told her to be safe. THen I called Betty while on my way to pick up Vegas(Archie's dog). "Betty You need to stay with me this weekend okay? It's to protect you." "Juggy, what's going on? I was supposed to go to New York with V." "I'll tell you when I get there just call ronnie and make sure she's ok and tell her you can't." "Ok, I love you." "I love you too,bye." Poor Veronica.

                                                                 Veronica's P.O.V. 

I was heading to the airport and I get a call from Betty."Hello?" "Hey V I'm so sorry, I know you needed me but I can't go...I gotta go I love you". "It's ok B, I love you too...bye.". I sighed and then I got a call from Archie. "Ronnie, are you ok?!" "Yeah Arch I'm fine, are you?" " Yeah just be safe ok, and don't let anything happen to you I love you too much to lose you." "I love you too Archekins ,bye.". Great, everything is falling apart so fast. As I was walking to my plane I saw Archie's mom."Veronica" 'Hi Mrs.Andrews, I am so sorry for what happened." "It"s ok dear, I have to run bye Sweetie."She sounds ok but we all know she is hiding the pain. I got onto the plane and 8 hours later I was in New York. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Mackenzie opened it with a baby in one arm and a bottle of vodka in the other. "Well if it isn't the slut of the hour,ASHTON VERONICA IS HERE!" "Are you drunk Mackenzie." "No hoe,not yet." AShton walked in and took the baby from Mackenzie and put her in the nursery." Hey Vee, ready?" "I suppose." We go sit on the couch and Mackenzie says"Yo are going to be the housekeeper and babysitter, I will be the mom of this baby." "Excuse me, no I said I would help raise this baby not take care of you." Mackenzie walks up to me and backhands me. I slapped her right back but maybe a bit harder. "ASH, DO SOMETHING...TAKE HER IN THE STORAGE ROOM. I WILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!". Before I have time to think Ashton grabs me and puts me in the storage room. I get a close look at him and he has huge dark circles and bloodshot watery eyes. She looks at me and then to Ashton and smirks. "Beat her." "Mackenzie I can't do that." "DO IT ASHTON!" "fine.. Veronica I'm sorry." Mackenzie sits in a chair and says,"Go on." Ashton slams me to the ground and hits me several times he kicked me and yanked my hair. I cried because of the pain, the physical and emotional pain. "Vee,I'm so so sorry." "Don't  apoligize just yet Ashie,I want to dress two babies up give her another one." I looked up at Ashton terrified and said"Ashton, please don't." "Mackenzie this is absurd." "DO IT ASHTON!NOW" "I'm sorry Veronica" Ashton got on the ground and pinned me and started to undress me he ripped my pearl necklace off and ripped my dress off and began to do what she had asked of him. I hated it. I felt gross and scared. Then it was over just like that.They went to bed. I got up and went into the nursery grabbed the baby and left. I saw someone outside, that I would never think would be there...Reggie. "Veronica?..Why do you have my bros baby." "YOUR ASHTON"S BROTHER?" "yeah...where did your dress go?" "reggie please take me back to riverdale...please?" "yeah of course here ...come on." He takes me and puts the baby in a car seat in the back. He sets me down and gives me his sweatshirt. He looked at me and said,"Veronica, what happened?" I started to cry and that's when he pulled over and sat me in his lap and told me it was ok and that everything will be better. We got back to riverdale late sunday night and reggie dropped me off. I took the baby inside and set her down on the bed with me and cradled her. My parents came in the room and my dad picked the baby up and my mother hugged me ...for the first time in forever I felt safe. My mom held the baby and told smithers to go get a cradle. School is gonna be great tomorrow.


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