~Think...then Drink~

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                                                     4 days before the funeral of Sweet Pea

                                                                      Archie's P.O.V

I sat in my living room with all the lights off. I took another sip out of the beer bottle. First I broke her heart, and then I let her get in that damn car, God what was I thinking? I ran up in my room and grabbed my knife. I  looked at my arm and plunged in into my fourarm. I went back downstairs to get the first aid kit. I heard a banging on the door."Go away.."   "Archie let me in, ok me and Jug wanna help.". I started to sob. "Pl Please just g go away.". Betty used the spare key and her and Jughead ran in. "Arch, talk to us.". "Guys I keep messing up, it's my fault that she nearly died, if she gets hurt I need to get hurt.". "Archie oh my god, your arm!". "Guys I cant breathe...". That's all I remember.

                                                                   Veronica's P.O.V

I sat in the bathroom as Reggie was in a drunken fit. I was shacking, I went to call Sweet Pea, but I couldn't... .  I texted Jughead to come get me. 

Veronica(: :Can you come get me from Reggie's again???

Forstyhe :Veronica, is he drunk again?

Veronica (: : Don't tell Betty, please Jughead.

Forstyhe: Fine but this needs to end V.

Veronica(: : Thank you.

     I snuck out of the back when I heard Jughead pull up. Betty was in the car with him. I started crying and Betty ran to me."Vee, shh shh, it's ok.". She pulled me into the back seat and stroked my hair as a laid my head down in her lap.

                                                                 Betty's P.O.V

I played with Veronica's hair as she slept. Jughead pulled up at the Pembrooke. "Jughead, trust me that she dosen't wanna be here right now. "I'll take her to your house." "Thanks Juggy.".  Veronica sat up and I told Jughead to go check on Archie. A look of worry spread across Veronica's face,"Is he ok?" "He stabbed his arm." "Oh.."


                                                              Day of funeral


Veronica arrived to the funeral with Reggie. As she walked into the funeral home FP approached her. "Here, I thought you would like to have this." FP handed Veronica Sweet Pea's Serpent Jacket. "Thank you FP." "No serpent stands alone, and you're not, if Pea was here he'd be so proud of you.". FP pulled Veronica into a hug. Reggie stumbled around and went up to the casket. He looked at the Serpent flag folded across the casket. He took it off and tied it on like a cape. Tall Boy came up and pulled the flag off of his neck."WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU"RE DOING!".     "I'm being a superhero." "He's drunk." Veronica grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "YOU"RE DRUNK ON THE ONE DAMN DAY I NEEDED YOU THE MOST!". The rest of the four core walked in. Reggie pushed Veronica roughly causing her to wince. "DON"T GET THAT BITCH TONE WITH ME.". Archie ran over to Veronica's side helping her off the ground. They stood up and Archie put Veronica behind him protectivly. "Reggie get the hell out of here.' "Andrews back off, Veronica do you really want me to leave?".  "please...". Reggie stormed off. The service began. Veronica sat in the middle of Archie and Betty. As they said a few things about Sweet Pea Veronica began to cry silently. Archie put his hand on her shoulder. It was Veronica's turn to speak. She walked in her black heels up to the podium. "Sweet Pea was a son, brother, a friend, a lover, and a beautiful soul. He went to quick, he was so young. Pea loved his family, his friends, and he loved me. despite his rough exterrior, he was so perfect..." Veronica began to shake so Jughead ran up on stage and said,"Thank you for coming everyone, please go into the break room for coffee. Archie and Betty ran up to Veronica. They sat her down and comforted her. Betty and Jughead left to go warm up the car, leaving Veronica and Archie alone. Veronica looked into Archie's eyes. "What happened to us, I mean we lose everything, you lost your dad, I lost Pea and Emm." "Our lives are pretty screwed up Ronnie, but they can be screwed up together, if you let me.". "Archie, I love you." " Veronica Lodge, I love you." The two lovers did not kiss, but hugged instead. The two went to Archie's house and the rest was history. 

                                                               Grundys's P.O.V

I looked at my t.v as I waited for her arrival. There was a knock at the door, she was here. "MOM!".  "Mackenzie!". I wrapped my daughter in a warm hug. "I'm in the mood for chaos."

                                             S               H            O                  O                   K

Thanks for reading my Vixens. As always if you have any questions comments or concerns, please let me know. Love you always babes.<3     Leave your questions for a Q/A that will be coming soon. You may leave multiple questions.

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