"Shut up baka!"

"Oh you think I'm the baka?" Rin raised her eyebrow, "watch this and let's see who is the baka now." Rin pulled out her phone, playing the video of Len yelling furiously at the wall. She placed it in Len's hands, he watched it in disbelief. "is this really me?! Was I that stupid?!"

"You always are." Rin giggled mischievously.

Len was to concentrated on the video to hear what Rin said.

"Don't mind them, anyways I know this is a bit personal but I have to know! Why do you hang with Ay-ri even though she is such a bitch towards you?"

"Well...how can I explain this? Well we're both twins yes, but I feel more at ease being with someone I knew for a long time. I know it doesn't make sense but it's quite a complicated feeling!" She threw her hands up, without realizing that she was holding a knife.

The sharp blade swung across the table, passing swiftly pass Rin, cutting her arm, bits of blood slowly oozed out.


"I-it's ok, just don't throw knives around ok?" Rin chuckled nervously, "anyways no worries I'll just go to the nurses office for a band aid!" Rin chirped before getting up to empty her tray to the trash can before returning it.

She skipped towards the door, wait...if I walk real slow I can be late to History! She then suddenly started taking small baby steps towards the nurses office.

Len looked around wondering why everything became so quiet, his face a bit flushed from embarrassment.

"I hope she's ok!" Oliver prayed silently to himself.

"It's fine~ it's not like it's gonna kill her!" Meiko rolled her eyes.


Miku eyes then widened before remembering something, "Oh Oliver I forgot to say but Luka won't be able to pick you up after school, she has a school meeting she has to attend to so are you walking home or?"

Oliver thought for a second, "well I suppose I have to..."

"Wait isn't it like gonna rain or something?" Meiko said, remembering the news cast this morning.

"Oh yea I forgot." Oliver chuckled nervously.

"I can drive you home Oliver!" Len suggested, "Just hurry and be out so that I can leave Rin here."

Oliver laughed, "thank you Len!"

"SeeU-chan why are you not eating?" Haku asked stuffing some food into her mouth.

"Recently I've been losing my appetite to eat, I think it's because of the medication I've been taking." SeeU rubbed her forehead.


"Yes, I have been getting these painful headaches for the past week now so I take these to ease it. Though I've noticed that I'm losing weight dramatically!"

"That's not good SeeU-chan, I hope you get better!"


"If I know how to cook, I would make you the bestest soup in the world! Unfortunately...I tend to burn everything, from the food, my hand, to the fire extinguisher..." Gumi tilted her head down, ashamed.

"How the hell do you get the fire extinguisher on fire?!" Len tilted his head.

"I don't know... I almost burnt down my house last week!"

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