Arriving at my flat I was annoyed at the pile of mounting up letters on the doormat, I leaned down and picked up the small pile of letters before taking them up the stairs and dumping them on the kitchen side ignoring any important ones. 

I checked my mobile, I had a text from Kylo who was telling me he would like to pick me up at 8. I replied with my address before leaving my phone on the side by the letters and heading into the bedroom. I had so many clothes yet nothing to wear. I didn't really go on dates, most of the men in my life had been casual. 

My wardrobe was stuffed with clothes, most of them the same, black jeans, white tops and black blazer jackets. I did have a few other pieces, nothing suitable for the restaurant we would be going to. I didn't want to go shopping but I guessed that I would be heading to the centre to get a new outfit. 

The town was packed, as always. This was the problem when living in a busy place, if it hadn't have been for Romeo and the DeMarco family then I would have been well away from this town. I headed into a women's clothing shop, it wasn't my usual place to buy clothes but I wanted to find something different, something that I wouldn't normally wear. 

The rails were packed with many different colours, so many dresses, all different clothes that seemed to not be me. During my time at school I had always been the perfect princess, I had many dresses, tops, jeans and jumpers all in the colour pink but since Romeo, since I became part of the family I changed, I was dressing down, needing to blend into the background with all other people. 

It wasn't any one's idea but my own, the day of my sixteenth birthday and my humiliation, I was no longer princess Blair, I was just Blair. School had gone downhill from there, other pupils knew what had happened. From then I wanted to blend in, I wanted to not be noticed. 

I finally found a dress, it was in black, I pulled it from the rail and headed into the changing room. I whipped the dress on over the top of my jeans after taking my top off. It was a good fit, I had a beautiful pair of shoes to go with it at the flat, all I had to do was pay for the dress and get back to my flat. 

As I got to the till I was accosted by a girl, she looked familiar but I couldn't quite place her face. "Blair!" She smiled at me as she touched my arm. 

I smiled at her, still not realising who she was, "Hi" I spoke carefully. 

"It's me, Til, Tilda French." She told me who she was. A girl I had attended school with, she was a feisty redhead then, her appearance not changing. At school, she had been just as bad as the others when everything came out after my birthday. 

"Tilda," I said with a fake smile. "Nice to see you again." In my voice, there was a little spite, even after all this time I was still not over it. 

"How have you been?" She asked me, she sounded like she was actually trying to be my friend. 

I bit my lip before speaking, "I am in a bit of a rush."  

"How about we meet up another time?" She asked me with a smile. 

My phone started to ring in my pocket "I'm sorry I have to go." I pulled my phone from my pocket and answered the call as I walked towards the till. "Hello?"

"Blair?" The voice at the other end of the line spoke. It was shaky sounding, like nervous. "Is that you?"

"Who is this?" I asked, the number calling me had been a private number. 

"It's me," the small quiet female voice spoke. "It's your mother."

"Ma?" I questioned as I paid for the dress on my card before taking the bagged dress and leaving the shop, "What are you doing ringing me?" I walked out the shop and stood under the canopy of the shop avoiding the rain. 

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now