Making Sense

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The man closed the book, and the swirling blue in the air vanished to nothingness. Like a faint dream, disappearing moments after waking up.

"Wow..." Adrien sighed breathlessly. He was clearly shocked, unable to comprehend the information that was just dumped on him.

Marinette was rendered speechless, and sat still, staring like a deer in headlights. Or perhaps, she wasn't staring into the headlights, maybe she was already hit by the car. Thats what it felt like anyways.

"Look children, I know it's hard to believe, and hard to understand, but it will come back to you." He smiled.

"Come back?!? What is that suppose to mean?!!? This is all new info!!!!" Adrien was flabbergasted. Completely. Flabbergasted.

Marinette seemed to break from her trance, and gentley placed her hand on his arm, just to have another uncontrollable stare takeover her.

Adrien turned to her, staring at her with as much confusion as she was him.

"I think......I think that we should listen...." she whispered, and though her expression was unsure, her voice was solid.

Adrien just looked at her, then he sighed, turning his attention back to the man.

"When you two were born, there was a special connection between you. He started.

"But we weren't born on the same day." Adrien cut in, shaking his head.

"That's right. But you two are not related, like a some of the other Ladybug and Chat Noir's were." He spoke.

"Chat Noir?" Adrien asked, familiar with the name. The one he had thought he came up with.


"So my name...." he blinked, speaking mostly to himself.

The man laughed, understanding Adrien's nonsense.

It was so crazy, that a silly name he had as a singer, meant so much more than he thought it did. It was based off of the black cat on his arm, but seemed much bigger than that.

"But what about you...?" Adrien asked, turning to Marinette.

She gave him a questioning look.

"You didn't have a mark when we began singing....why did you come up with Ladybug?" He turned his head slightly at an angle.

"The masquerade...remember?" she gave him a questioning look.

"Yes, but why did you choose to dress in a Ladybug theme?" he spoke curiously.

"Well.....I......" she thought for a moment.

Why had she chosen the Ladybug? She didn't choose it because of her mark, she didn't have it then.

None of this made since. Why was the Ladybug so important to her? She hadnt known about this stuff before. But it seemed like whenever there was a situation, where an animal or insect needed to be chosen, she would
Always pick a Ladybug. It was almost as if....

Then it came to her.

"I know....." she whispered, averting her eyes to the man.

The man quirked an eyebrow.

Marinette turned to Adrien, who was quite obviously confused to say the least.

"Its because of the miraculous....." she mumbled.

Adrien just nodded, a blank stare in his eyes, like you could almost see the wheels turning in his head. And as they both began to understand, more questions were brought up.

"But....but I didn't know about it then....." she shook her head, looking to the wise man for answers.

"No. You just didn't think you did. You know more than you think you do." he let out a soft chuckle.

"But why?" Adrien asked.

The man paused for a moment, then he spoke.

"Because you are miraculous. We couldn't take that away from you. We can only hope to make you forget. Though, we can't control if you remember."

"But we didn't know about them at would we forget something we don't know?" Adrien's eyebrows furrowed, Marinette's eyes locking on the profile view she had of his face.

"Like I said, you know more than you think. Miraculous are just like normal humans, they have natural instincts. But just like everyone in the world, no matter how much you train, or influence someone, they will always be the same person."

He continued.

"A person can change their clothes, hair, even their face. But they're always the same person on the inside." he smiled.

"You two are special. You must be patient to find the secrets you hold."

"Okay..." Adrien sighed, slowly grabbing Marinette's hand and intertwining their fingers. They locked together, almost as if it were meant to be.

And judging by the sound of the Cat and Ladybug miraculous, they were meant to be.

But she had hesitated.

She had liked this boy for years....

So why now....did it feel like.....a lie?

Why did it make her feel uneasy?

The man's eyes seemed to flicker, as he saw the question in Marinette's eyes.

"Do the Ladybug....and the cat....have to be connected?" she asked, earning a strange, confused look from Adrien.

She loved him. She did.

But was it all because of the miraculous? Because they were connected? Is that the only reason he......

Of course, she didn't love him because of the miraculous, she didn't know about it anyways. But was that why she was attracted? Because they were connected? Would she.....would he......would they still feel the same without it?

The man only smiled, somehow sensing her thoughts. Nothing like mind reading, but more because of experience.

"Ahh, Marinette. I see your issue, But i cannot help you with that. That is up to you and Adrien. Though I must tell you, what you are thinking, isn't what it seems." he said, earning an even more confused look from Adrien, and a shocked one from Marinette.

"But i-" she started, just to be cut off by the man.

"I cannot solve all of your problems Marinette, I can only hope to open your eyes to them. Things will make sense later on. For now, I must say goodbye." he waved, and the swirling colors began to engulf the two again, the feeling quite comforting, compared to the shock high they were still being affected by.

Marinette felt herself becoming weightless, and her vision becoming blurry.

Before she was completely transported away, she called to the man.

"Are you telling the truth?!?"

"That depends...." he smiled, leaving her speechless as the colors filled more of her vision.

"Are you willing to let yourself believe it?"

And she couldn't see him anymore.

Ayyye an update......


K Idk what to say.

Love you guys bye!!!

When it Rains (A Miraculous Ladybug au)Where stories live. Discover now