Lazy Day Clothes

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Marinette walked into her empty bakery she called home. Her parents had gone to get a new stand mixer, after theirs had broken.

It might or might not have had something to do with Marinette and Adrien running around the kitchen like maniacs.

She sighed and flopped into her bed. Today was supposed to be special. It was her birthday. And the one person she really wanted at her party, didn't show.

Maybe it was for the best, She didn't get her mark, and she probably would have embarrassed herself anyways. She hasn't told her parents either.

Maybe he just forgot. I mean, she wasn't that important, maybe he just had a shoot to attend to. Maybe he thought she was just a stupid clumsy girl. Her mind filled with possibilities, soon drifting off to sleep.

Adrien's side

Chat climbed down from his space on the eiffel tower. He looked out in the direction his love had went, but didn't see any sign of her.

Something was wrong, something he intended to find out sooner or later.

It sounded silly, loving someone ou don't really know. But he knew her enough to want to know more. He first fell in love with her looks.Of course he knew you couldn't base love off of that. He tried to talk to her, but heard her sing. Then he fell for her voice. Oh her voice. It was beautiful. She couldn't mess up singing if she tried. It was like all of his dreams came true at her gentle voice. Next, he fell for her personality, she was somewhat shy at first, but soon became very kind and helpful. Yet she wasn't afraid to stand her ground.

He was disrupted from his thoughts as he reached his home. Though it never really felt like a home. It had bedrooms and a kitchen like a home, but it lacked the love.

He walked to his lonely room. It was huge, full of everything a guy his age could ever want. But it all seemed too much in his eyes.

He slipped of his Chat Noir outfit and hid it in his closet. If anyone figured out he was Chat Noir, the media would go crazy.

He put on his pajamas, which was just a t-shirt and some sweat pants. He stared down at his arm, but what he saw wasn't what he expected. His mark was still there, but it looked off. Like it was almost glowing.

He shrugged off the thought and pulled out his phone, which had the date on the screen.


He struggled to remember what was so important about today, but simply couldn't. He had been so busy lately, with shoots and all, that when he finally got a day off, he caught up on some sleep. Heck, he didn't even wake up until lady bug had texted him.

Oh well.

And he soon entered dream land too.

Ok so im gonna explain how these element power things work. Cause I kinda didn't explain it well.

Ok so basically, the elements don't give you actual powers, but more like build your personality. Well, for almost everyone.Like how Adrien is a Nature......maybe.
So basically Natures are like the calm gentle ones,and they like nature. The fire are more sporty and competitive type. The water are graceful, tend to be dancers and like the water. And Air are more rude, and generally stuck up.
So yeah. Now ya know

Let's get on with the chapter.

Marinette stirred awake, blinking her eyes a few times. She looked down to find herself still dressed as ladybug. She quickly hurried to change, hoping her parents hadn't seen her in those clothes. Everyone knew about the singer Ladybug. Her parents didn't even know she could sing, since she never really did until now. She wasn't quite ready to tell anyone yet.

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