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Adrien was fully dressed in his Chat Noir costume. He looked in his mirror, and ruffled up his hair a bit, making it look more like Chat. He looked at his phone, but felt sorda strange. He noticed the date on the phone. Something was supposed to have happened on the 21st..right? What was it? Did he miss something? Adrien decided not to worry about it for now, and made his way out of the mansion. If it was that important, his father would have already have punished him by now, so no need to get worked up. He finally made it out of the front gates. He had to be sneaky, so that people didn't see Chat Noir walking out of the Agreste mansion and get suspicious.

He walked all the way to the effiel tower, to find Ladybug waiting for him. They climbed up and she sat down on the edge.

"So Chat, what's bothering you?" Ladybug looked at him, creating a warm atmosphere. He sat down next to her.

He felt like he could tell her anything.

"I've just been very stressed lately." Chat sighed.

"But it's nothing bad really, I just wanted to talk." He smiled

"If it's bothering you, you can tell me, but I won't make you."
She returned with a warm smile.

Chat was about to tell her about his dad, without giving away too much and risk giving away his identity. Not that he didn't trust her with it. But then a thought came to him, last time he saw her.

"What about you?" Chat looked at her, with seriousness, something he rarely did.

"What do you mean?" she turned to look at him, her head tilted to the side.

"You never told me what was wrong." He looked at her concerned.

"I did, I told you...that...that someone didn't come to my birthday party. Its okay, it's stupid to be bothered by that." she laughed slightly and turned her head away from him.

"That's not stupid, and that's not all that was bothering you." Chat gentley placed a hand on her shoulder, she shuddered slightly to the touch.

She turned to look at him again.

"You can't listen to all my problems, and not let me listen to yours. It doesn't matter if it's stupid or not, if it bothers you, it matters." Chat looked at her, he hadn't realized it before, but her eyes were puffy and red.

She saw him staring and desperately tried to turn away and cover her eyes, but he turned her head back to face him.

"You were crying." Chat touched a hand to her cheek.

She couldn't move. The simple gesture sent shivers up her spine, and her heart fluttered. This was her parnter, not her crush, so why did it feel that way? She stared blankly at his emerald green eyes, before finally blinking rapidly and turning her head away.

"No, I just had a really exausting day at work, that's all." It was true, it had been a hard day. But she had been crying, she was so stressed and embarrassed from that morning. And since it hadn't been busy today, she was left alone with her thoughts way too much. She brought herself down too much. She was fully convinced something was wrong with her, because she still had no mark. Maybe she was just a mistake, all together.

"Don't lie to me Ladybug." He looked at her, his voice stern, yet gentle at the same time.

Why could he read her like a book? Why could he tell when she wasn't okay? Why did he care so much?

"I'm Okay Chat...." She whispered, trying to get him to change the subject.

"No you're not." Chat turned her face towards him, forcing her to look at him.

When it Rains (A Miraculous Ladybug au)Where stories live. Discover now