You don't Love Me

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Chat stood in shock.

Did I really just say that....?

He didn't think those things, of course he didn't! Ladybug was so much more than normal. She definitely cared for him, and she was right. He didn't need to know what's wrong, he just needed to be there for her. But what did he do?

He knew she wasn't okay, yet he went on and made it all worse. He took all of his anger from his dad out on Ladybug. She didn't deserve that, not at all.

No one deserves that.

"I have to go and apologise." Chat spoke to himself, all of his anger from earlier replaced with guilt.

He looked down at his mark which was slightly glowing once more. He climbed down the tower as fast as possible and sprinted down the street.

His hair bounced as he ran, still dressed as Chat Noir and not really caring who saw. People gave him weird looks.

Was it really that strange to see a singer running through the streets?

Ok, maybe a little. But at the moment, he had better things to worry about. He needed to fix things, and he needed to now.

Where could she have gone?

Chat had been running for a little while now, and ended up going in circles. The streets were now empty, as he was in a less popular part of the city.

A heart breaking sound filled his ears.


He followed the sound as best as he could, still stuggling to find it's source.

He finally turned into an alley way, expecting to see Ladybug, tears spilling from her eyes. But he didn't see Ladybug, he saw another girl he cared for.

"Marinette?" His face twisted, concerned and confused.

The girls crying drowned out his voice.

He needed to find his lady, but he couldn't leave Marinette like this.

Marinette was hugging her knees to her chest, her head low. Her tears ran down her legs, and her hair covered her face.

Who wouldn't cry when you find out your life long crush doesn't like you?  Well he doesn't like Ladybug, but that was the best part of Marinette in her eyes.

Chat stood silent for a moment, as the girl cried. Marinette was his second crush, and he didn't want to see her in pain, emotionally or physically.

He looked at her once more, taking in her details. Her pink sweater was covering her arms, she wore a black dress underneath it. Her shoes were red converse, similar to the ones Ladybug wore.

Her body was shaking with every sob and tear. She looked absolutely miserable, and he couldn't stand to see her like this.

"H-how c-could he?" Chat heard Marinette choke through sobs. Her voice shaky and broken.

Whoever did this two her is a jerk, no one should treat such beautiful girl that way.

Chat thought to himself, his fists clenching.

He wasn't going to watch this any longer.

He bent down beside her, and gently touched her shoulder.

"Hey Marinette."

She slowly lifted her head, not wanting to see whoever was there. So when she saw that stupid alley cat, she wasn't too excited.

"Ad....Chat." she wanted to be mad, she wanted to slap the life out of him, she wanted to yell, she wanted to scream. But she couldn't.

No matter how bad she wanted to, she just couldn't. Now she loved him twice as much, and she didn't want to lose either one of his identities.

When it Rains (A Miraculous Ladybug au)Where stories live. Discover now