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MP woke up and stretched his arms and turn to see seiko and sucy sleep like beautiful angels and went to rest until a few minutes later seiko waking up to see MP smiling.

MP: Mourning beautiful.

Seiko: (tired) Morning M-kun.

She and MP did kissed and both got out of bed but before MP got out of bed he noticed that seikos night gown's left strap was off and see's her left breast was revealed and he blushed. Seiko then looked to see one of her breasts was showing and blushed and turned around to cover it.

MP: (blushing) Seiko i'm sorry I didn't mean to-

Seiko: It's okay this nightgown was from my mother so it was a bit big for me.

Then suddenly crying was heard from sucy's crib and MP grabbed her out to calm her down. And Seiko went to the shower, MP took sucy to living room.

MP: Hey it's okay i'm here you don't have to cry.

Sucy then smiles and then she used her left arm to point at something and MP looked to see what she was pointing at, it was the basket that they found sucy in. After they took sucy out of the hospital, seiko seiko and MP both agreed to keep the basket as way for sucy to hide in when they go outside to parks. Then the bathroom door open and seiko came out with her hopes peak uniform on.

Seiko: M-kun can you come with me, there's something that I wanted to show you.

MP: But what about school?

Seiko: It's a late start so we got time come on.

MP then put sucy in the basket while seiko made a bottle of milk for sucy to have. MP then put a tiny pillow behind sucy head and put a blanket around her to keep her comfortable. They then began walking but seiko went into a flowering shop to buy some roses and walked again but MP noticed from a distance was Ibuki and mikan This is bad if mikan see's him she'll go all lovey-dovey and he came up with an idea.

MP: Hey Seiko is there a shortcut?

Seiko: Of course we can turn right here.

They then turn right which was a pathway with houses and MP was relieved. After taking a few turns they were now heading towards what appeared to be a Japanese cemetery with marble gravestones.

MP: (thoughts) A cemetery?

They then entered the cemetery and after a few turns, seiko then stopped and MP eyes were widen at what it said.

Tetsuo Kimura
Born: Feb 12, 1981- Died: Jan 16, 2042

Kaori Kimura
Born: March 20, 1982- Died Jan 16, 2042

MP: (worried) Seiko are these your-

Seiko: Parents yes it's something I just can't believe happend.

MP: What happened?

Seiko: Well for so long ago, my parents have been there to help me with what I have been through, but then on one rainy night they were driving until a tire popped and-

Seiko starts tearing and shaking.

MP: Seiko?


And it was silent but seiko started crying and then sucy was crying loudly and seiko heard her and picked her up from the basket to calm her down and MP then walked towards seiko and hugged her which made seiko stop crying.

Seiko: (crying) M-kun?

MP: shh It's okay you don't have to cry everything well be okay.

MP then kissed Seiko forehead and seiko felt so happy to have MP in her life.

Seiko: But you want something that they said before that happened?

MP: What do you mean?

Seiko: They said They'll come back and then police informed my grandparents about what happened that morning.

MP: Seiko i'm so sorry about your parents.

Seiko: It's okay it was a long time ago.

Sucy then starts waving her arm to reach Seiko hair and she giggled. Seiko then turned in front of the tombstones to speak.

Seiko: Hey Mom and dad how are you guys doing? It's been a while since I was here but there is something I wanted to tell you. You are now grandparents so yay and let me show you someone.

Seiko then shows sucy the gravestones.

Seiko: This is your granddaughter sucy, sweetie this is your grandma and grandpa.

Sucy then looked at the gravestones amd waving her arm at them, which made MP and Seiko smile.

MP: This truly something so Seiko do you have grandparents by chance?

Seiko: Yes they were that have takin care of me before I got into hopes peak but you know it was my mother who was the reason I became the Ultimate Pharmacist in the first place because she always wanted to help other.

MP: Wow that's really amazing to hear Seiko.

Seiko: Thank you M-kun but you know maybe I can introduce you to my grandparents, they'll like you.

MP: Okay that's fine to me.

Seiko: But maybe we should head back now.

MP: Okay.

So before they left seiko picked up the roses and placed them in a hole and they walked back to the apartment until they saw a familiar someone at the corner, it was Kaede.

MP: Hello Akamatsu.

Kaede: Ohh hi MP and Kimura how are you?

MP: Oh we're just about to call you, didn't know about you coming here.

Seiko: Anyways want to come in before me and MP leave to hopes peak?

Kaede: Sure.

The 4 then walked to Seiko's apartments and opened her door to let them in but then MP looked at the clock and it was 20 minutes before school starts.

MP: Seiko umm we should go now.

Seiko: (Gasp) sorry Akumatsu-san but we have to go now.

Kaede: Okay later you two.

Seiko and MP began running out the door but seiko grabbed her bag she left behind. MP ran to his dorms as fast as he can until he finally made it, unlock it and dash to grab his bag and the presentation flashdrive and ran all the way to hope's peak until after 5 minutes he made it to his classroom to open it.

MP: (exhausted) Hello ha everyone ha ha ha.

But then what he see's is everyone is silent and notice mahiru eyes were red and dryed up tears and chisa was just as silent as well, even chiaki wasn't playing her games, nobody didn't notice MP until Sonia said something.

Sonia: (Depressed) Hello MP.

MP: (worried) is Mahiru okay?

Then mahiru starts crying and covered her face with her hands and then chisa spoke.

Chisa: Mr.M it's something that was informed about one of our students from the police.

MP: Who exactly?

Chisa: It was Saiojin Hiyoko, she was found this morning murdered.

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