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MP: Thank you Naegi.

Makoto: Sure thing but who exactly is chasing you?

MP: (sigh) Her name is Tsumiki Mikan Class 77-B ultimate nurse whom has a crush on me but i'm in a relationship but she obsessed with me.

Makoto: Oh that's umm something, i'm actually from Class-78.

MP: 78? Mrs. Yukizome mentioned about you guys and what's your talent.

Makoto: Oh i'm the Ultimate lucky student.

MP: So your the kid that Nagito mentioned.

Makoto: Was he the strange man with marshmallow hair?

MP: Yep.

Makoto: Oh makes sense.

MP: But I got to get going now cause I have something coming up soon, later Naegi.

Makoto: Bye.

MP then left leaving Makoto all alone.

Makoto: (Thought) Man If only I could tell him that he isn't the only one who has 2 girls having a crush on one boy.

MP begin walking back to his dorm then remembered that mikan could be around still and he checked around to see her no where to be seen, he looked at the window and below was mikan leaving and almost hear crying

MP: Poor girl.

MP made it to his dorm and knocked on the door and it opened revealing Ryoto.

Ryoto: Hey MP.

MP: Hey Mitarai.

Ryoto then lets MP inside and closed it but what MP noticed was a laptop with animation on it.

MP: Mitarai where did you get the laptop?

Ryoto: I brought it from my apartment sorry for it being dark by the way.

MP: As long it's not a mess i'm okay with you being here, anyway we have a presentation to make and I know the theme for it.

Ryoto: Really?

MP: Yeah the theme shall be called "UNDER THE SEA." I wrote down all the need the designed can you handle it.

Ryoto: Sure i'll try to, this will be easy.

He then looked at the list of things need to be drawn.


·Blue lighting and ocean theme room
·Coral and fishes on the tables
Have a hexgon like ball on the top like a disco ball.

Ryoto: This doesn't sound bad.

MP: I already wrote down the dress code, that part is already down so don't worry about drawing the dresses.

And just like that MP and Ryoto began making the presentation, Ryoto continued designing the ballroom and MP also drawing and editing the presentation from Ryoto laptop. After 2 days of hardwork they finally were finished with everything.

MP: Wow After all 2 days of hardwork we pulled it off.

Ryoto: Now everything is on this flashdrive so now what?

MP: Well I better go to see seiko so later Mitarai.

Ryoto: Yeah you too.

MP then his door and left leaving Ryoto alone, however a few minutes later and then a knock from the door and Ryoto opened the door and it was a large dark greenish box that had English writing with black spray painted saying

Healing for loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ