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After seiko and MP took sucy out of the hospital seiko thought sucy could stay at her apartment since MP dorm doesn't have a kitchen and MP might drop by after school to watch sucy with her. But MP wanted to do something with his partner ryoto since they have a presentation to make. MP is currently walking towards ryoto's apartments since it's not far from hopes peak when he made it he was suprised the apartment complex looks decent but then MP then stopped at the front building. After talking to the landlord about where ryoto lives MP then walks toward the door and knock only to hear noises coming from ryotos apartment then MP put his ear towards the door.

...: Come on sempai will you help prettty please?

Ryoto: Ummm uhhh I really don't know.

MP: (thought) Who is ryoto talking to?

MP then pulls something out of his pocket and put it on his finger. Then he knocks on the door only to open with a brown glove grabbing him throwing him inside and dropped to the floor.

MP: (groans) ohh the hell was that?

...: Hello there.

MP then looks up to see a girl. She had two big blonde pony tails with red and white ribbons and had a tight black buttoned shirt with a black and white tie and short red skirt and to finish it off wears black boots with red laces.

MP: Who are you?

...: Well might as well speak out hello there i'm Enoshima Junko.

MP: Ummm hello?

Junko: Anyways Mitarai-sempai he friends with you.

Ryoto: Ummm no I haven't met him.

MP: What do you mean you haven't met me we're partners making a presentation for the dance at the end of the month.

Ryoto eyes widen realizing imposter must've been his partner.

Ryoto: (thoughts) Imposter what have you done.

Junko: Anyways Mukuro-nee please guide our friend to the exit.

Mukuro then grabs MP by his collar and begin dragging him.

MP: Wait before you throw me out let me tell a joke.

Mukuro: Hmm?

MP: (slowly) Knock-knock.


Junko: uhhhh

MP: I want to hear it from her.

Mukuro: (sigh) who's there?

MP: You are.

Mukuro: You are who?

MP: (Yelling) YOU ARE SHOCKED!!!!!!!

MP then grabs mukuros arm and electricity was going through her body, she kept trying to withstand the voltage but it was too much for her and passed out. MP then gets up and dusts his uniform leaving ryoto and junko jaws dropped.

MP: After all that the old joybuzzer still kicks.

Ryoto: What was that?

MP: That my friend is called RUN AWAY!!!!

He then grabs Mukuro body with all of his strength and tosses it to junko, crashing into her to floor.

MP: Come on ryoto let's go.

MP then grabs ryoto hand and ran out the door as fast as they can, Junko then gets up and mukuro slowly gets up.

Junko: What are you standing there for get them you a**wipe.

MP and Ryoto kept running and running as fast as they can, and then crashed into someone.

MP: Oww seriously we need to look where we're going.

Ibuki: Oww watch where where your going you-

Ibuki then looked up seeing MP

Ibuki: Oh hey MP sorry about what I said.

MP: No problem we were just running.

Ibuki then notices Ryoto next to MP.

Ibuki: Hey Ryoto weren't you behind me?

Ryoto: huh?

Then suddenly the ryoto that ibuki was with arrived all exhausted.

Ryoto 2: ha ha ha wait up for one moment Mioda-san.

Ryoto then gasps and the other ryoto eyes widen, MP amd ibuki both looked at each other now knowing the truth.

Ibuki: (gasps) MITARAI HAS A TWIN-

Then MP covered ibuki mouth and told her to quiet.

MP: (whisper) Ibuki don't be loud the people who are after us might hurt you.

Ibuki then nods her head.

MP: Alright you 2 ryoto's follow me you'll be safe at my dorm.

They all then went to MP's dorm to protect ryoto and the other ryoto, how ever at the distant was mikan she was watching MP from afar, if this was an anime she would have hearts popping from her head.

Mikan: (happily sighs) M-kun.

Mikan then follows them. After the group made it to MP's dorm they all now prepare for answers.

MP: Alright Ryoto the truth now.

Ryoto: (sighs) Alright the person next to me isnt really me, imposter show 'em.

The imposter then removes his wig showing that he a long black hair, to be honest he looks like the guy from pulp fiction.

Imposter: Good evening all of you and MP i'm the Ultimate Imposter.

Ibuki: oohhhhhh cool.

Imposter: Yes it's indeed "cool".

MP: But why were you playing as ryoto?

Imposter: Well he is the ultimate animator so he's always drawing and animating so I took his place instead.

Ibuki: Well that makes sense.

MP: But more importantly who was the girl that was there.

Ryoto: Her I really don't know?

Ibuki: What girl?

MP: Some blonde named Enoshima Junko.


MP: Relax ibuki please who is she?

Ibuki: She is the said the most prettiest model here in japan, I can't believe you met her!!!!

Imposter: But one question remains, why does a model want with an animator?

MP: Beats me but I think it's best you two stay here and ibuki you can leave.

Ibuki: Okay ibuki will see you later.

Then ibuki simply open the door and left leaving only MP, Ryoto, and the imposter.

Ryoto: Soo does she always say her name in the sentences?

Imposter: Who knows.

MP: Well anyways i'm going to store to buy some things for seiko so later guys.

MP then open the door and left as well. After MP got to the market to buy some stuff for the baby he began heading to seiko's apartment and then he knocked on the door and waited until it open but it wasn't seiko, but another girl. She had blonde hair with an a ahoge on top, her dress was all pinkish with a purple skirt and had dark pink eyes.

MP: Umm who are you.

....: Oh you must be MP, i'm Akamatsu Kaede sucy's babysitter.

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