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MP and Seiko stopped kissing and heard crying.

MP: Seiko do you hear that?

Seiko: I do where is it coming from?

MP: It's coming from over there come on.

They then followed the noise until it lead them to a river flowing under a bridge of sorts, MP continues to follow the noise until he stops and looks a basket of sort near the river. He then went to grab the basket from the river and proceed to put the basket on the rocky ground.

MP: It's coming this basket.

Seiko: What do you mean?

MP looks at the basket and notice some blankets and remove some from the basket. Seiko and MP eyes were widen at what it is, it was a baby. The baby had pale grayish-mauve skin with a puff of puce showing but was covered by a pink beanie with a bunny face on it.

Seiko: (shocked) It's a baby!!!!

MP: Why is there a baby floating down a river?

Then suddenly sounds of crying was heard and they both looked to see that the baby was indeed still alive and the baby started crying loudly.

MP: Hold on a second kiddo.

MP proceeds to grab the baby from the basket only to see that the baby wore a pink onesies which meant the baby was a girl.

MP: It's a girl!!

Seiko: But who put a baby in the river.

MP then trys to comfort the baby by rockin the baby slowly and the baby calm down a bit. Seiko then search through the basket to find a small note with writing on it.

Please take care of my baby girl.

Seiko: Who ever wrote this wanted someone else to raise her.

MP: But first this baby needs to get to the hospital who knows how long she was in this basket.

They both then put the baby in the basket and ran out of the park all the way to the nearest hospital, after running for 15 minutes they made it to the hospital they ran to the front door and a nurse was sitting at a desk.

Nurse: Hello there.

MP: Nurse please we need a doctor we find this baby in a basket floating down a river.

Nurse: Oh my goodness i'll get someone down here wait here.

The nurse then goes to find a doctor to help. Seiko and MP both waited until the nurse arrived with a doctor.

Doctor: Alright i'll take it from here, you both wait in the lobby.

The doctor then took the baby and put her on a small hospital bed and took the baby to the infirmary. Seiko amd MP then went to the lobby and sat there waiting for results.

30 minutes later

After waiting for half an hour, seiko and MP were beginning to worry that the baby could be sick or worst, but the doctor then arrived and they both looked at him to hear the results.

Doctor: Well i've got some good news to tell you, the baby is doing fine but thanks to you the baby could've died of starvation.

MP: Thank goodness.

Seiko: Will she be okay?

Doctor: The baby will be fine as long as she is fully recovered but there something else I'd like to discuss with you.

MP: What is it?

Doctor: When I ran some test to analyze her codition we discovered that her skin isn't caused by disease, it's a form of genetic mutation and her blood showed no sign of change but also we hoped to contact the child's parents but nothing show up meaning this baby doesn't exist.

Seiko: So the baby is healthy and she doesn't exist?

Doctor: Well yes and no the point is the baby will be sent to a foster family if her parents don't exist.

MP: You mean she can adopted?

Doctor: Yes.

Seiko: Can we see her atleast.

Doctor: Sure follow me.

The doctor then walked towards to one of the infirmary doors to open showing a small hospital bed with the baby on it next to a heart monitor beeping and liquid hanging from a metal pole.

Doctor: (whisper) Poor thing it's good she still living but i'll be back row quick.

Doctor left leaving Seiko and MP with the baby. MP and seiko stood there looking at the baby and one of them spoke.

MP: Hey seiko you okay.

Seiko: I dont know what to say, im just both angry and confused, that fact that this baby left in that river to die is just just wrong!!!!!

MP could feel her anger amd see her fists tightning and MP grabbed her hand to calm her down and seiko relaxed.

MP: I know but she doesn't have a family they don't exist.

Seiko: I know.

But then seiko had an idea one that could change her and MP's life forever.

Seiko: Maybe we should adopt her.

MP: Wait what seiko what are you talking.

Seiko: I know but I feel that she needs some love after being abandoned so maybe we could be her parents.

MP then had to make a decision either be her parent or foster family but then he looks at the baby who's asleep and then realized something and blushed because the idea of him being a father would make seiko his wife.

MP: Alright i've made my decision we'll be her parents.

Seiko then smiles and her hair is somehow wingling on its own.

Seiko then smiles and her hair is somehow wingling on its own

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Seiko: (happily) You will!!!!

She then hugs MP and then gave him a kiss on the lips

MP: seiko wha-

Seiko: I'm sorry it was just it feels happy knowing i'm a mother.

Just when MP was about to speak the door opens showing the doctor.

Doctor: Hello you two.

MP: Hello

Seiko: Hello

Doctor: So I just came back with some paperwork and see how the child is doing.

MP: Actually we made an agreement.

Doctor: What do you mean.

Seiko: We decided that we will be the babies adopted parents.

The Doctor then froze.

Doctor: Ohhh um well this was unexpected.

MP: Yes it is.

Doctor: Well usually a doctor would abject to this but i'll be the nice guy on this so here's the abdoption papers and we'll give you some small courtasy of the hospital.

MP: Wow thanks doctor-

Doctor: Lee that's all really but what name are you gonna name the kid?

MP: Well how about Sucy.

Seiko: It's perfect.

They then heard yawning coming from the small bed knowing the child is awake. But seiko and MP both looked at each other and smiled knowing what may lie ahead in the future

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