Cel Damage HD (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)

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 HD Re-masterings have become a regular staple in gaming over the last few years. With fewer AAA games we are treated with a tidal wave of indie titles and HD remakes between the mammoth launches we all eagerly look forward to.

So back in the early 2000's a demolition derby game by the name of Cel Damage (Cel Damage Overdrive on PS2) became something of a cult classic. With very few sales to its name but toting some of the best vehicular combat experiences that generation along with being perhaps the most advanced cel-shaded game created for several years, Cel Damage was a game of legendary status to those who played it.

Now 13 years later, much to everyone's surprise, its been given a HD touch up. But the biggest questions are will it finally get the audience it deserved first time round, and has it aged as well as we hoped.

To say that Cel Damage is light on story is being generous, its pretty much non-existent but what little story there is boils down into a very easy to summarise experience.

Cel Damage exists in a cartoon universe where 10 unrelated characters, each through different means, become a competitor in the ultimate demolition derby show, Cel Damage. There they must destroy each other in as many hilarious ways as they can in order to win the season of the show.

Each character has a brief backstory and finale cinematic but besides this there is very little story or characterisation.

Each character has a unique style to them, though they all play very much the same with the only variations being in their starting attack and special weapon. They each have a unique vehicle, though they all handle the same and they all have equally annoying, yet sometimes giggle inducing dialogue.

Gameplay is split into three distinct modes. Smack Attack is a race to see who can earn the most hits with weapons. Flag Rally sees opponents trying to capture flags to reach the score limit and Gate Relay is a straight up circuit race round the map.

In each gamemode you can collect weapons and destroy your opponents but only in Smack Attack does it help towards your score. Flag Rally is the most unique game mode and also one of the most frantic as the tables could turn at any moment thanks to random flag spawns on top of the random weapons.

The biggest problem with Cel damage is there isn't enough content. There are 13 maps and though they are all visually unique and vary in design, none of them are overly memorable. The weapons also have major balance issues with ones such as the Helicopter & minigun combo not only being incredibly powerful but also making you damn near invulnerable whilst you use it as well as being able to cover large areas of the map in a very short time.

This is why Cel Damage is a game that only really works in multiplayer because the A.I is too stupid to be able to stand much of a chance against you. Real people however at least provide a challenge and some excellent laughs...even if friendship is ultimately sacrificed.

A huge loss for Cel Damage HD is that there is no online multiplayer, now whilst this was intentional due to the whole campaign behind it being to revive split screen multiplayer, it restricts how much enjoyment time you can get out of the game, not to mention extra controllers costing an arm and a leg this generation. Online would have settled this problem by allowing people to enjoy the game whenever and with whoever to create new friendships (or rivalries) alongside the splitscreen.

Cel Damage's visuals are ageless, the HD up-scaling is almost unnoticeable besides now being suited to a 16:9 screen ratio instead of 4:3. That being said Cel Damage has always been a good looking game, thanks to its art style.

Still to this day does it lead the way in cartoony physics thanks to its unique physics engine and it helps to give the game so much more atmosphere.

The audio is pretty sub-par to be honest, the soundtrack is repetitive and irritating and the voice acting isn't memorable however the weapons sound good, as if they have been taken straight out of a Tom & Jerry cartoon.

In short, Cel Damage HD is worth the purchase if you have people to play it with. The lack of content and obvious aim at multiplayer over singleplayer leaves little for the solo player. But the game is ideal for people who live with people willing to play games, young or old and for people who regularly have people over to play games.

Its a shame that Cel Damage HD couldn't have been more like a sequel, rather than a remastering by including more maps, characters, gamemodes, online play and maybe even a loosely tied together story. I would have been willing to pay more for that and it would have helped get the game the recognition it deserves but as it stands, Cel Damage HD is just going to be forgotten about as quickly as it was the first time round.

Cel Damage HD – 6/10

+Great Splitscreen Multiplayer

+Looks As Good As Ever

-Not Enough Content

-Lacks Solo Play Value

-Lack of Online Multiplayer

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