Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (PS3)

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 Just one year after Tools of Destruction hit our systems, its sequel Quest For Booty has arrived.

Set soon after Tools of Destruction, Ratchet and Talwyn are attempting to track down Clank after he was kidnapped by the Zoni. The two are looking for the pirate, Captain Darkwater, as they believe he may know how to find the Zoni. However when returning character Rusty Pete betrays Ratchet & Talwyn in an attempt to bring Captain Slag back from the dead they have to not only continue their search but fight for their lives against a robot pirate army.

Quest For Booty is an extremely short game, coming in at about 2 and a half hours long, but it is the best R&C game since the original. The game rectifies nearly all the problems from Tools of Destruction and even makes the good bits better!

The first half of the game is mainly platforming & puzzle solving, each one different from anything in the franchise beforehand and every single one entertaining till the last second. The latter half of the game is mainly combat based, however due to refinements in the combat system & difficulty this is welcome.

Just because the game has been toned down in difficulty doesn’t mean that its too easy, though the first half is very easy as you will only die from your own mistakes the final couple of levels and the final boss in particular can be quite challenging at times.

The small RPG system is back too however all weapons start at level 3, there are less of them and you cant buy any armour upgrades for Ratchet. However this doesn't matter due to the length of the game.

Quest For Booty once again raises the bar set by Tools of Destruction in terms of both Audio and Visual quality.

The game is easily the best looking PS3 game to date with an improved lighting engine, much more crisp textures and even more colour!

The audio is once again, just as good if not better with some top notch voice acting and sound effects.

A short review for a short game I suppose, there is little to say beyond it is exactly what we wanted in a sequel to ToD even if it is only a couple of hours long. Unfortunately it still has a cliffhanging ending but its not as big as ToD's.

Quest For Booty provides some of the best platforming & combat in the entire franchise, it also has some of the best jokes, visuals and puzzles. All I can say is bring on the sequel!

Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty – 8/10

+Awesome Platforming

+Brilliant Combat

+Great Visuals

-Too Short

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