Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3)

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 A Crack in Time is the third instalment to the PS3 exclusive 'Future' series of ratchet and Clank. When Clank gets kidnapped at the end of Tools of Destruction and we learn in Quest for Booty that he is being held captive by Dr. Nefarious, this latest instalment follows Ratchet trying to get back Clank, attempting to stop the disappearance of the Lombax race many years previous to the first game and stopping Dr. Nefarious from destroying the universe...just an average day for R&C then.

Crack in Time's story is brilliant to say the least. By far the best R&C story to date as it explores both titular characters history pre-R&C1 and has one of the most exciting and well written stories in the entire franchise revolving around Family & the aspect of Time. Crack in Time has time travelling aspects in its story that range from just a few years to entire decades in the past, in order to fix events that are happening in present day. But it never gets confusing even for a second, which is absolutely remarkable (though it does manage to work in a few plotholes where there were none previously).

Crack in Time plays much like its predecessors Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty. Luckily it swings much more towards the QoB's style of play meaning a lot more platforming & puzzling compared to the overly combat heavy ToD. The game is the right level of difficulty giving newbies an easier ride compared to the previous entries but still managing to challenge the veterans when it comes to boss fights and later missions.

Clank also has a large amount of his own levels, more than in any game previously (spare Secret Agent Clank), his missions centre around keeping the great clock (Its too complex to explain in a small synopsis so joust go along) in working order alongside new character Sigmund. They are mainly platform and puzzle based with the odd combat section thrown in here and there, these are some of the best bits of the entire game and gave me an odd sense of actually looking forward to the Clank sections for once.

As for Ratchet, well its same old same old. Weapons are just as crazy as ever, the arena is back and the platforming lends much to a QoB style due to the lack of Clank for the majority of the game.

Crack in Time is easily the best looking PS3 game of 2009. The graphical engine has had a huge overhaul since QoB bringing in super detailed character models, environments and objects, not to mention the most varied and beautiful colour palette in the series and all running with no hitch in the frame rate and very reasonably length loading screens.

The game also sounds great with a list of returning voice actors reprising their characters and the best humour in the franchise (though I lend this to mostly to the hilariously evil Dr Nefarious and robot butler Lawrence).

And so brings to a close the third chapter in the 'Future' series. There is no cliffhanger. however there are a few loose ends to tie up before you can officially call the series over. Crack in Time is the best R&C game to date, Insomniac really pulled out the stops with it and it shows. If you own a PS3, you owe it to yourself to play R&C: A Crack in Time.

Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time – 9/10

+Great Story

+Side Splitting Hilarious

+Visually Stunning

-Feels A Bit Padded Out At Times

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