To The Moon (PC)

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Life is full of stories worth telling, everyone has had eventful experiences happen to them. No matter how old or young, there is always something to be told.

There are also things we wish we could have done differently, how would our lives have played out if we had changed just one simple thing?

This is concept is what To The Moon explores, if you could do one thing in your life, what would you do and how would it have changed you.

Dr Neill Watts & Dr Eva Rosalane work for Sigmund Inc. A company that the dying contact to fulfil their deepest desires. When they are contracted to an elderly man named Johnny, his wish is to go to the moon. However the doctors work is made difficult because Johnny doesn't know why he wants to go to the moon, he cant remember what makes him want to go there. So Watts & Rosalane plunge deeper into his memories, watching his life play out before them in the hope that they can find why he wants to go to the moon.

To say anymore about the story would ruin the experience, but I can assure you that it is something utterly beautiful in so many ways. Its happy, sad, funny and tear-jerking all at the same time, something that I haven't felt in a long time.

The game was made using the RPG maker software however it isn't an RPG. Its hard to pin down a genre but it would probably best fit as a traditional adventure title. You spend a good third of the game walking round environments talking to people & looking for coloured orbs to progress to the next area with the other two thirds being only conversation based.

For some players this could be hard to bear but if you're an adventure game veteran this is nothing unfamiliar to you.

Its around four hours long and if you enjoy the story then you will most definitely go back and play it again, plus its ideal for filling time.

As it is running off the RPG maker program, it looks about as good as that.

8-bit sprites are representations of characters in a world of pixels, think old school Pokemon and you're along the right lines.

Colours are vibrant and it is a game of beauty that will do the opposite of melt your computer, you should be ashamed if you cant run this game.

As for sound design, there are no voices but the soundtrack is one of the best soundtrack to a videogame ever, like seriously. I will listen to this soundtrack for the rest of my life because it so good, you'll have to play to understand what I mean but it is just a masterpeice.

To the Moon is a game you should be playing right now if you haven't already. Unfortunately it wont appeal to everyone but you if you're curious about it then play it and don't waste another second.

It isn't without problems, the comedic timing is very off at times and ruins the mood occasionally when its a sad moment and a character cracks out a bad one liner. It can also be easy to get lost in larger areas due to you having no indication on where you need to be going, however those moments are few and far between because the game is extremely linear.

Its games like To the Moon that remind me why I love to play games, and I hope that if you play it you feel the same way.

To the Moon – 9/10

+Enchanting story

+Beautiful Visuals

+One Of The Best Soundtracks In Gaming

-Comedy Mood Killer

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