9.03m (PC)

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 On March 11th 2011 Tohoku, Japan, was hit by a 3.11 magnitude Earthquake. The quake had an undersea megathrust magnitude of 9.03 causing 40 metre high wave to hit Japan. The most powerful earthquake to ever hit Japan since records began in 1900.

The sheer power of this quake and tsunami caused the water to go around 6 kilometres inland and shifted the main island of Japan 2.84 metres to the east causing the Earth to shift on its axis. This was one of the most devastating natural disasters in recent history.

9.03m sets itself on Baker Beach, San Francisco. In the years since the tsunami debris and bodies from the tsunami have washed up on its shores.

The game is a first person art game that lasts around 10 – 15 minutes. You play as an unknown entity exploring the beach as debris slowly washes ashore, as you inspect the debris the game reminds you of the victims of the tsunami and that people are still affected by it today.

Its minimalist art style consists of a simplistic representation of a beach and everything is coloured blue. The more items you inspect the further out to shore you are able to move. The soundtrack is simple and is designed to bring an empathetic atmosphere to the game.

Its hard to review a game like this, and that's why I wont give it a score. I hate to say that things aren't games but 9.03m really isn't a game, its a tribute to the deceased and their loved ones.

9.03m is available through Steam with all money going to the Aid For Japan and Redr charities.

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