Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2: Atlas Mugged (PS4, PC, Xbox One)

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 It's been an agonising wait for the second episode to Telltale's Borderlands game but boy oh boy was the wait worth it. Episode 2, Atlas Mugged presents what is a refreshing change of pace for Telltale games in quite some time. What it presents is a seamless blend of action and story without dramatic pacing changes every few minutes.

The episode opens in the bunker that episode 1 finished in, with our heroes...or should I say crooks, Hyperion suit Rhys and street swindler Fiona, in possession of a map showing the location of a new Vault on Pandora and information on an Atlas project called the 'Gortys Project'.

Over the next two hours you'll spend your time helping Rhys and Vaughn get out of a sandy situation and understand why the ruthless Handsome Jack is appearing as a holographic vision to Rhys. As well as aiding Fiona and Sasha to escape a group of bounty hunters after their heads.

Expect a few new faces as well as some old ones, including Janey Springs from the Pre-Sequel.

Ultimately I cant delve into much more detail as that's where the secrets to this episode lie and that's what makes it so good, but rest assured that it all leads up to an exciting and pule pounding cliffhanger.

Technically Tales from the Borderlands is on par with the last episode. On current gen systems the game runs fine with few hiccups and reasonably good loading times. On last gen however its the same old story, hopefully this is one of the last titles to use the current Telltale engine as its in dire need of an upgrade.

On a whole, Atlas Mugged is a great follow up to an outstanding (and arguable one of Telltale's finest) opening episodes. Its funny, its action packed and its choc-full of story not only in terms of Rhys and Fiona but also in terms of the larger Borderlands universe.

As always, its just such a shame we have to wait for the next episode, hopefully there will be less of a wait this time round.

Tales From The Borderlands

Episode 2: Atlas Mugged – 9/10

+Excellent Pacing

+Tons Added To The Borderlands Universe


-Still Held Back By Dated Game Engine

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