Thomas Was Alone (PS3, PC, Vita)

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 How do you describe a game such as Thomas Was Alone to someone and make it sound appealing, especially if they aren't into the indie game scene and don't accept its little quirks? Now I'm not saying that you aren't into the indie gaming scene but I have to make this review appeal to as many people as I possibly can to make people realise just how beautiful and amazing a game such as Thomas Was Alone really is. I suppose I had better give it my best shot.

Thomas was alone; that was until he met Chris, John, Claire, Laura, James and Sarah. As he wakes and eventually goes along the way of meeting his new friends, all of whom are quadrilaterals in a 2-dimensional space they begin to learn about who they are, what they want to be, about where they are and what lies beyond where they are.

Its a difficult game not to spoil in terms of story and so I will leave it there as I have already said too much but if you allow the story to suck you in you'll see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Thomas' story isn't sad, it wont make you cry, it will make you laugh a lot thanks to some simply amazing narrating from Danny Wallace. It does though make you appreciate the little things in life such as being aware of who you are and what your purpose in life is. Its clever and it never for a second treats you as if you are stupid either.

Thomas Was Alone is a 2D puzzle platformer. You must progress through scenarios littered with obstacles and environmental hazards with an ever increasing number of characters each with their own playstyle. For example, John can jump extremely high but Chris cant, however Laura can be bounced on and Claire can float on water. Each character must help the other through the levels to their designated white outline known as 'portals'.

The game has a quick learning curve, you will need to master each characters abilities quickly as the game does get challenging very quickly, however you never feel defeated and know that if you stand back and re-evaluate the situation you will eventually be able to overcome it.

Its not an overly long game, clocking in at just over four hours if you find a couple of the levels a challenge but every single second is a joy to play and never a chore which in itself is an achievement due of high praise.

The game is presented in a minimalist style. Each quadrilateral character is represented with a colour and it is presented on a normally plain background consisting of a slightly drained colour with the environment itself being black. This may be the furthest we can get from reality yet at the same time it feels convincingly real.

The sound design however is on another level, this is one of the most amazing soundtracks ever created for a videogame. Its style of a soft synth/electro orchestral sounds style mixed with classic 8-bit traits makes a treat for the ears unlike anything else, it is something truly remarkable and one of my favourite game soundtracks ever created. As mentioned before Danny Wallace is remarkable as the narrator and belongs in the same stature as Kevan Brighting of The Stanley Parable. Wallace brings the game to life alongside the music with some excellent comedic value and a real sense of feeling for each and every one of the characters.

Thomas Was Alone is a game you should play, now, buy it quick. I cannot see any justifiable reason as to why you shouldn't. Not only is it a great puzzle game, but it is an equally good platformer and has a top notch story to match it. That's not even mentioning some of the best sound design in the entire game industry and a unique beautiful art style.

I hope that this review appealed to you if you aren't someone who normally takes a risk in the troublesome world of indie gaming, but trust me on this when I say you wont regret buying this game.

Thomas Was Alone – 10/10

+Clever, Funny and Heart-warming Story

+Unique Visual Style

+The Sound

+Excellent Puzzle/Platform Gameplay

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