Minecraft (PC)

253 5 10

Many Independent games and developers are overlooked in modern society as being cheap, small and poorly made, Whilst this can be the case this is due to the games being made with as much money as a 7 year old child would get with pocket money. For the price of many of these games cost you get a fair amount, many costing little more than a few pounds they can give you a lot of enjoyment. Many of you may have heard of Minecraft, being the best selling Indie game on PC selling over 3 million units at about £14 a pop makes creator Markus Persson a big millionaire and rightly so too. Before I continue please note that it only costs £14 and has been in beta for nearly 2 years, full game released in November 2011.

In Minecraft you have no story, you spawn in a world estimated to be 4X the size of the earth itself, made entirely of cubes which you can destroy with various tools, there is no aim to the game apart from what you want to do yourself as there is no ending. There are over 200 blocks and items in a massive world with varying biomes and weather systems. When night-time comes Monsters spawn and attack you if you are within range making the game combat worthy as well, the types of monsters range from close range melee zombies, giant lunging spiders, skeletal archers, Endermen (teleporting enemies), giant flying fireball firing ghosts, zombie pigmen and the infamous creeper, not to mention many more. 

The game looks fairly rough in standard definition but in high definition the game looks quite good, luckily for those of you who still complain, you can download mods and texture packs altering the look and feel of the game. Most look really nice and are in very high detail going right up to 1080p HD. Lots of different biomes makes the game look different wherever you are. The cubic design of the game makes it feel unique and quite cool compared to the overrated curves of today as well.

However you play the game it is done well, the fighting is finely tuned and responsive, the mining system is well thought out requiring new equipment for each new kind of level of rock you find, constantly trying to make yourself challenged. but then there is the building, of course you need to mine for the resources unless your in creative mode, you are given all of the blocks in your inventory and you can build whatever you want in creative. Buildings can go as high as the sky and as wide as the world. some wonders have really been created online and you can see, real life recreations of things like the White House and the Great Wall of China are just some examples of masterpieces created.

Minecraft truly is a game for everyone, everyone will find something about this game they will enjoy if they try it long enough and for an amazing price too, this game shows the true potential of all Indie games out there and just makes you want to try a wider variety of them, its not like your going to go bust buying them is it.

Minecraft – 8/10

+The Best Sandbox Around

-Needs A Lot of Work

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