A Tiny Final Battle and a Nice Ending

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Augustine's POV...

"Excuse me, but YOU WHAT?!"

"We found out that Terry might be Bo's biological son." Opala says, handing me a folded photo.

I unfurl it to see a tiny picture of Terry curled up in a ball of blankets.

"Are you sure? This could be just a baby picture that was stolen." I say, examining it even further.

"He did want us to tell his son that he's sorry for everything he's done. But he didn't say who he was." Enit says, keeping a look out as we try to stay incognito and hidden from the raging Dark Nebula.

"Where's Bo now?" I continue to ask.
"In one of the caves on the east sector of the system." Enit immediately replies.

"Huh. Well, we need to finish this.

"Once and for all."

Both of them nod.

"And where'd your masks go?"

(And why's everyone losing their mask all of the sudden??? Is it a trend that I'm not aware of or something?????)

"Totaled." Opala says, showing me her banged up mask.

But before anything else could happen, the earth begins to rumble.

"Maybe it's just our army sprinting their way here?" I say, trying to keep stable.

Hah. Nope.

For once it was an actual earthquake.

The floor began to crack, creating wide ravines and dangerous battlegrounds.

What? This isn't supposed to happen!
Dark Nebula shouts, still being kept busy with Spruce, Sword, Blade, and Javelin.

I peer down one of the crevices, only to see nothing but darkness.

Is nature doing Curry and Mercedes' job or something??

"Guys! We have to get out of here!"
I whip around to see DMK and a huge shiny snake with the same color eyes as Opala emerge from a tunnel.

"This is the only way for this rotten place to die. So let's get out of here before-"

Dark Nebula scowls loudly.

"I have been under your influence for far too long. If your plan was to be successful, the losses would be countless." Ophidialyn yells back.

I'm aware that this plan is risky, even if it does work. But how are you..?

"I have something you will never understand."

Puh. Lease. I'm a Dark Matter overlord. The only thing I've yet to understand is how you manage to defy me.

"Think again." Ophidialyn hisses.

And before Dark Nebula could say anything else, she strikes, quicker than lightning.

Two cuts form beside the shadowy star.

And out comes two gigantic pink lasers pointed at Dark Nebula with two Galacta Knights to accompany them.

Two more cuts form on both sides of the room.

More lasers.

Aiming right on his eye.

And Mirror Worlders.

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