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Rosie's POV...

Oh shiitake mushrooms.

I watch in horror as the lance tip pierces a hole through the ceiling of Dark Meta Knight's room.

But he's still playing the piano, as if nothing is wrong...

"We have to get in there." Meta Knight says, drawing his blade.

"No can do, buddy. If you were to open the door, bad things'll happen." Augustine says, staring contently at the tip of the lance, carving its way through the ceiling.

Before I could say anything, a chunk of metal falls to the ground. We can only hear the clanging noise it made through the security camera that's recording the chamber live.

A tainted pink Star Warrior with ragged periwinkle bird wings falls out of the hole, and lands, a glove on the floor and the other clamping the handle of his lance.

"Oh flickerfloof." Augustine says, drooping his gloves.

"Who is that?" I ask him, pointing at the intruder. The group of Halcandrans rush to get help out of instinct. I trust them.

"That is Dark Galacta Knight. He pretended to be his original for a while and then casted a bunch of random spells on us. He's a jerk." Augustine says, rubbing his head.

I turn to see the others and their reactions.
They all look pretty calm. That's good.

"What are we gonna do?" The small and gray-feathered Truvian asks.
"We can't just let DMK fight that guy by himself, can we?"

"I'm not sure if DMK even cares." I say, gazing in his direction. "He's still playing the piano."

The soothing music still plays in the background as Dark Galacta Knight approaches the maskless knight.

"Why are you here?" The intruder hisses.
"I'm healing." DMK doesn't even flinch.
"At this rate, you'll be better off dying. Me on the other hand, I can cure you within seconds."

Dark Meta Knight freezes completely. His gloves are locked on the piano, holding the note.

"He... He can?" I hear Augustine whisper to himself.

"There has to be a catch. There always is." DMK drones, lowering his gloves.

"Of course. You must come with me, and cooperate. I promise there is nothing else to worry about." Dark Galacta Knight offers, his eyes narrowing in a maniacal fashion.

DMK is still kinda frozen, but he returns to life.

"...Nah." He continues playing the piano, not even paying attention.

"Why not?"
"Too much work."
"...You've got to be joking."
"Nope. I've tried being evil before. Doesn't always work out well, really."
"You're as useless as you are pathetic, you know that?"
"Yep. I've heard it all, pal. Don't even try."
"...You deserve this."
"Hm?" DMK whizzes around, only to be stabbed with a small epidermic needle, hidden in DGK's free glove.

"Oh schnitzel berries." I whisper, my glove turning into a fist of frustration.

"Um... Oh... I... I don't feel too nice.... Urghh."
Dark Meta Knight complains, rubbing his forehead.

"Let's hope you're strong enough to live." DGK hisses, stepping back.

"Urrgggghh... If I don't live..." His voice goes to a whisper.
"Screw you."
He collapses on the floor, clutching his gut.

"WHADDO WE DO?!" The one with a red mohawk screams.

"Definitely not panic. We have to capture Dark Galacta Knight somehow, and get him away from any other patients before he causes any more harm." Augustine says, his eyes narrowed.

"Agreed. But... What's happening to him..?" I ask.

He seems unconscious...
Until his eyelids reveal a blood red eye with a pitch-black reptilian pupil.
He staggers upright, and breathes heavily.

"...Thank you, but I'm going to kill you anyway."

He grins with razor sharp teeth behind his lips.

"I'd like to see you tr-"
Dark Meta Knight strikes his opponent in the face, ripping his mask off.
"Yeah. Not happening."
"What..?" DGK whispers, rubbing his bare face with a shaking glove.

"Eh. Now that you're already kinda knocked out, I think I'm just gonna leave you here. I've got... Better things to do." He glares at Meta Knight, completely ignoring the mirror between.

Uh oh.

DMK sprints toward the mirror, braces himself, and shatters it completely, landing firmly on the shards, surprisingly untouched by the broken glass.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Dark Meta Knight snarls. He picks up a shard, and points it towards me.

"Hello, miss. Would you like to see a magic trick?"

I can feel my eyes go wide.
"Uh... S-Sure. Wh-Why not?"

He covers the top of the shard with his other glove, and whips out his infamous silver sword with one fluid move, as if the piece of broken glass was his sheathe.

"Tah-daaaahh!" He hisses.

"And for a finale..." He gathers multiple shards this time, and throws them into the air.

They land on the floor as the rest of his belongings.

"Magic is indeed a wondrous thing." He chuckles, swirling his cape around his shoulders, revealing a fully armored Mirror Worlder, fierce and strong.

"Now, where was I? Oh yes. Him."
He turns his piercing gaze to Meta Knight, swinging his sword like a baton.

"I should have never let my guard down so easily..." I hear the original whisper while arcing his wings, preparing to fight to the death.

"Wait! Stop! You don't have to do this, DMK! You're better! I know it! Why? Because... Because you just... Are! I know there's something you want more than to see your original die! Don't do this to yourself. Please!" The small Truvian from before shouts.

"Terry! Shh!" The other scolds.

I try to move, but I'm frozen...

DMK lowers his blade and closes his eyes.
"There... There is one more thing... I would like to see...."

"...Yes?" Terry asks, a spark of hope within the depths of his eyes.

Dark Meta Knight's tone goes to a sour and baritone voice.
"And it's watching YOU die along with him."

He lunges at the poor kid, blade raised above his head, his tattered wings fully unfurled, only to be forcefully shot out of the air with one of Augustine's notorious tranquilizer darts.

Stars that Fall to EarthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang