"Orange" You Glad I didn't Say Apple?

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Opala's POV...

Oh my Gosh.

A lemon?


Wow! Someone had the time and devotion to turn a Star Warrior into a fruit! Everyone, please applaud.

All the Star Warriors looked shocked. Even Sir Edge Lord over there looks like he'd just seen a ghost. "No way." Falspar stutters, finally turning serious. "I have to get Nonsurat." And like that, he's gone.

Oh my goodness I thought he'd never leave.

"Wait! Falspar! Don't! It's better if they knew less- aaaaaaand he's gone." Dragato says in a sad sounding tone.

"Now that I think of it, Arthur always kinda looked like a lemon..." pointed out Meta Knight.

I've never seen this 'Sir Arthur' or 'Nonsurat,' but if I'm right, I will soon.

Augustine appears to be quite calm about the situation, but Falspar got all panicky. Are these people related somehow? Brothers? Only one way to find out.

"Are any of you guys related?" I ask Meta Knight. "Mmmmm... No, not really, but we are brothers in arms, meaning we're part of the same brotherhood, that is the Star Warrior Army." He says.
"I thought the war ended years ago." I protest.

"So did I."

A long pause blanketed the conversation.

I broke the silence. "Whaddya mean 'So did I?' The war did end, right?"
"On some planets, yes. But for this one, no. A mysterious... erm... 'Sorcerer' we shall call him for now, is terrorizing multiple planets, including this one: Planet 65-0781: Truvius. Although, it isn't much of a war, just a variety of problems and phenomenons have been occurring recently on this planet, and a bunch of us were assigned to take care of them. Not including me, but I'm here anyway because why not."

Before I could reply, I hear a clatter of footsteps heading toward us. "Alright," Falspar started, still panting from his beeline to the barracks.

"So, someone turned Arthur into a lemon, and got away with it. Assuming that this is the same sorcerer that made the Wasteland a death trap, he's number one in our wanted list now, and he isn't moving until he's dead."

"That's right," a blue Star Warrior wearing a strange helmet interjected. "Falspar, you and Meta go and alert the spies in Del that..." He hesitated, and gulped. "That Arthur's a lemon."

"Who's Arthur? I hear Terence whisper to Spruce.
"I dunno, but he sounds important." Spruce whispers back.

Dragato took over the conversation. "We have to catch that sorcerer before he strikes agai-" He was cut short by a bloodcurdling scream.

"What in the good name of Nova..?" Meta Knight whispered. A somewhat tall blue-green armored soldier with a weird helmet that is roughly shaped like an oval, and a short green armored soldier with a red decorative ponytail bolted to Meta Knight.

Breathing heavily, the blue one spoke in a voice that sounded quite like a strangulated British mule.

"Sah! The wissard's here, and he's at the main barracks, spookin' the newbies to the core! By the by, you shoulda heard Blade's girl scream! PRICELESS!!" He bursted out laughing, angering the green soldier.

"Hou je mond, Sword! Het is niet grappig!" The so-called Blade shouts.

Well, whaddya know. He speaks a different language, has a friend with little to no knowledge in vocabulary, and smells like a badger that got hit by a car, left out there in the sun for 20 days, and cooked to perfection in mustard gas. When was the last time they took a shower...

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