Move Out

41 3 7

Dark Meta Knight's POV.

The battle is today.

A moment of adrenaline.

"Sir. It's time." Sword reminds me.

"Yes. I know."

I exit the empty sleeping quarters, and breathe deep as I enter the commander's building.

I hate war.

Everyone should.

"Alright. Is everyone set?" I ask.
The Meta-Knights simply nod, gripping their weapons like it was the last thing they would do.

"Um... Sir?"
I turn around to see a quivering Sailor Dee.
"I'm nervous." He mumbles.
"I am too." I say.
"No, I'm on a whole new level of nervous. Like, it's unreal how nervous I am. Something bad is going to happen."
"Of course something bad is going to happen. It's war."

"Well I know that, but I feel like something REALLY bad is gonna happen and-"
"The more you worry about it, the worse it'll be." I singsong.

"That... Doesn't help at all." He says.
"I was never good at reassuring people. It was always your job."
He giggles, and thanks me anyway.

I look around at the camp to monitor progress.

Opala's squadron of insomniacs look somewhat ready.
Mercedes and Curry seem to be prepared.
Augustine is arming everyone with tranquilizer darts and little straws to fire them. He even gave me a set.
Meta Knight is staring at his feet with Arthur and Falspar and their Mirror World copies.
The rest of the soldiers are lounging around and practicing their aim with the provided darts.

About an hour passes before we're actually ready to move out.

Even in midday, it's still dark enough to keep us hidden.

A trait of this city that I hate, yet love at the same time.

We march silently in single file, dodging any detection.

Not a word is spoken as we tread the sidewalk, slowly heading towards the city hall.

The green glow grew brighter and brighter. We arrive at the doorstep of the ruins of the hall. Splitting ourselves into three groups, we begin our 'ambush.'

Fear pumps through my veins as I follow the path that tunnels underground. As capable as we are, some things like jumpiness cannot be helped. My squadron follows my every movement as we make our way to the heart of the huge crater below the city hall.

Which turns out to be a ginormous ravine.

Overflowing with what appears to be green puss from an infected wound...

I follow it upstream, careful not to make any noise.

But even if I did, the gurgling of the churning fluid would certainly cover it.

A few minutes pass before we discover an enormous cavern, nearly flooded with the stuff.

I scan the area, looking for any exits that may help us later on.

There's a tunnel to the right, going upwards. Maybe it's an entrance.

Sword! Quiet! I snap.
"Y-y-y-your c-cape."
I don't care about-
He points one quivering finger at three hissing holes within the fabric, widening every second from something dripping from the ceiling.

My heart freezes in terror.

I begin to rattle as well.

I slowly turn my gaze to the source of the acid.

It was like being struck by lightning.

Two bulbous eyes stare into my soul from above.

They don't blink.
They only stare.

The eyes then move forward, to reveal the head of a gargantuan snake, dripping with the fluid.

"Not you..." I groan.
"Hey. What's so bad about me?" Dark Galacta Knight grudges, his eyes darting from me to Sword and back.
"Literally. Everything." I mutter.

"Rude. Well, for your information, there's really nothing not to like." He claims, resting his coils on the floor.

"Prove it." Blade tests.
"Okay that's enough outta him. If you're gonna be evil about this, you may as well make a snake pun or something." Sword suggests.

"Like... My jokes are... Hiss-terical?" DGK says, a dumb smirk on his face.

"Hmmm... Kinda." Blade mumbles, shrugging supportively.
"Eh. You're... You're getting there." Sword says.

DGK stares at the floor for a moment, and sighs deeply.

"I try so hard..."

"...Anyway, whaddya want?" Blade taunts.

"Well, I'm supposed to stop and kill you and your little uprising, but now I feel like I have no purpose in life."

"Don't be a soft shell about it. Even Sailor Dee can withstand that type 'o judgment." Sword points out.

"You can stop now." I warn.
"Go easy on 'em, Boss. Something tells me that he was never given a choice to do this." Blade whispers.

I look back to see that DGK has reverted back to his Star Warrior-like body, and he is now moping on a rock in the corner of the room.

"You know what? Screw my job. My $10 an hour paycheck was crap anyway. This place is stupid. I don't want to be evil."

"Too much work?" I ask.
He waltzes towards me, and lets out a depressed sigh.
"Ophidialyn's chamber is on the right. Watch out for traps. The guards' weak spot is on the foot. Try not to die. I'm actually rooting for you. And if you want, Galacta Knight is in his little prison again in the break room. The coffee in there is actually decent believe it or not. There's also hot cocoa if you're not one for coffee."

"No problem, Meta Dark."
"Never call me that ever again."
He takes his leave, humming a song to himself...

I was following the pack all swaddled in their coats with scarves of red tied 'round their throats-

But Sailor Dee interrupts the peace.
"You listen to Pentatonix too?"

DGK swivels around and snaps his fingers into little hand guns.

Sailor Dee does the same, but having no fingers or thumbs, he only does the pointing motion.

He then skips away, a bit more cheerfully this time.

"...Dare I ask?" Sword mumbles.
"Nope!" Sailor Dee chirps, humming the song.

"Well, we'd better get going. And I could use a cup of coffee at the moment, so let's go." Axe interjects.

We all reply with a simple 'Aye' and continue on our way.

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