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Opala's POV.

As I step into the wound, I instantly feel a tsunami of dread crash into my soul.

When I open my eyes, I see a ginormous and murky city with a bluish tint to it.
I try to speak, but I can't.

"Welcome to Nočna Morá. In case you still don't know how to pronounce it, Notch. Nah. Morah." Galacta Knight says, casing his wings.

"It reeks of death." Curry drones.

We stay silent the entire way to the city limits.

"This is where I will leave you. Good luck in whatever you're trying to achieve. I have... a certain Mirror Worlder I need to take care of." GK finishes, taking wing once more.

"Thank you Galacta Knight." Augustine says, bowing his head.

He flies away, completely submerged in the fog hanging over the city.

"Let's go." I say coldly.

None of us speak as we trek the desolate pavement of the dreary city.

The only noises we hear is the howling wind rushing past us, and the faint noise of rats skittering across the sidewalk.

It feels like decades has gone by, but it's only been twenty minutes.

"Is it bad that I just noticed that your eyes aren't weird anymore?" Falspar asks.

"I actually forgot about all that." DMK says, mostly to himself because no one was listening.

"Wait. Listen closely." Augustine says, making us freeze.

"Do you hear that?"
"...I think. It sounds like breathing."

"I hope you're talking about me." A familiar, but raspy voice whispers.

We all turn to the direction of the voice, but no one's there.
"It's ok. Show yourself." I demand.

The voice mutters something to itself, but the muttering starts grow louder and more eerie, as if he were talking to two people.

"then they would SEE us, and that's no, no good, but if we don't help them, EVERYONE DIES. And if that happens, we'll perish along with- Wait. That guy with blue and feathery wings. HE COULD HELP THEM. He knows, knows all, and all knows him with all due respect! Yes, yes, ye- NO. HE BETRAYED US. We can't truST him anymore. But.... IF THEY FAIL, THE FLU WILL DESTROY EXISTENCE ITSELF. Dark Matter, tiny Halcandran robots, science, and the bold, yet plain work of a true anarchist..."

He goes on, with no signs of stopping.

"Um... Excuse me, but... Were you going to say something to us?" I ask.

"OH. Yes, yes we- no, yes I was. I am one."

A trembling gray-blue and maskless figure steps forth from the fog.

"WOAH. AM I HALLUCINATING BECAUSE THAT GUY LOOKS LIKE ME." He says, his eyes twitching rapidly while pointing one dirty glove in Augustine's direction.

"My copy? I always thought he would look a bit more... Stable? Is that the word or..." Augustine whispers.

"My original..." The copy says, shaking wildly.
"Are... Are you ok?" Falspar asks.
"HA. No. The last time we were 'Ok' was... Oh looky linguine. WE DON'T REMEMBER. HAHAHAHAHAH." He laughs maniacally, tears dribbling down his face.

"He's insane..." a worrisome Arthur whispers.

"What? I'm-I'm sane! Well, I try to be, at least. But ohoho. THE. THINGS. I. HAVE. SEEN." He says, still shuddering.

"What... What kinds of things?" Augustine asks.

"How it was done. The things they did to make Star Warriors into monsters. The things they did to stop our species from growing. OUR MIND WAS TORMENTED, TORTURED, TORN APART, TATTERED. Until what was left was us! No one. Alone. Together." He finishes, breathing heavily.

"No one should ever see those things." I say, in an attempt to reassure him.

"...I'm so sorry." He breaks down in tears, whimpering and hyperventilating.

"I can't help it. I try to hold myself together, but something is making me overflow with paranoia. I'm scared. Of everything. You. Him. Them. Me. Especially me."

"You need to get out of here." I say, my voice firm and formal.

"I want to, but we're trapped. And I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about every Mirror Worlder in this... This... THIS MIND-EATING SNAKE-NEST OF A CITY." He shouts, still quaking uncontrollably.

"Once we defeat whomever we need to defeat, I promise I'll take you away from this rancid place. Mark my words." I say, standing at my full height.

"...Thank you. I... Know lots of things. The one you want to challenge. She usually roosts in an ancient cave below the city hall. Or what's left of that place. Be careful, though. Anything can collapse and squish you like a bug if you're not cautious enough." He warns, shaking a little less.

"Thank you. By the way, what may I call you?" I ask.

"Enitsugua. It's Augustine, but backwards. Only because the usual names are long and overused." He says, getting back on his feet.

"Alright... Erm... Enitsugua. Thank you for your help. But can I just call you Enit?" I ask.

"Sure. I like Enit. Sounds much nicer than the names they've given me." Enit says, actually standing completely still for once.

"Alright. In what direction is the hall?" Arthur asks.

"North. It's impossible to miss. Everyone wishes they could, though.... It's freaking disgusting." Enit says, beginning to tremble again.

"Ok then. Again, thank you for telling us this." Augustine interjects.

"No problem. Except that I probably just lead you to your doom. Those who enter the chamber to challenge her, never return. No exceptions so far." Enit says, staring at his original.

"Well... We're rule breakers, rebels, and renegades. We've also got an army of literal egg-heads if we ever need 'em. I think we'll do fine for the most part." I say, grinning under my mask.

He smiles, a flicker of hope in his eyes.
"I gotta go now. Be safe and all that." Enit says, turning to leave.

When Enit walks out of earshot, everything goes silent again.

"Let us waste no time." Meta Knight growls.
"We've already lost enough."

"Whatever." DMK says, rolling his eyes.

We head to the Northern sector, passing desolate buildings, dark alleyways, abandoned homes and everything in between, the faint sound of footsteps behind us...

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