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Augustine's POV...

As I lead DMK, Spruce and Terry to the small lab within the ship, we began to ask more and more questions about each other.

"How old are you, Augustine?" Terry says. I pause for a moment and think. "I'm... not exactly sure. I've lost count at 70." I reply.

"Do you actually know how to cure this thing?" DMK drones. "No, but that's why we're here. And when did you notice that your eyes went all crazy?" I ask. "I don't wanna talk about it." He says, staring at the ground with green irises, slowly fading to yellow.

"Well, I can tell you. You see he-MFF."
A glove covers Spruces mouth mid sentence.
"Ew. Did you lick my glove?" Dark Meta Knight scowls, pulling it away from Spruce's face, and shaking it.

"Self defense mechanism." He says, a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes and turn left into the lab, all three of them following close behind. "Oh my goodness it's frigid..." Terry whispers, gazing at all the equipment. "WOWIE OH MY GOSH IT'S FREEZING IN HERE." Spruce says, ruffling his feathers.

"Brrrr... Wait. How are you not uncomfortable?!" DMK says, wrapping his cape around him. "I'm used to it. I actually think it's rather nice compared to the hot and dry climate down on Truvius, really." I say, hopping onto a swivel chair.

"You're one of the oddest Star Warrior I've ever met, and trust me. I've seen a few." DMK says, his eyes turning blue with streaks of white.

"Well trust me. It's about to get even more odd." I warn.

I may or may not have a small hobby of making people very uncomfortable.

I said I barely use my wings, right? Well, this is when I use them. Snapping the feathery limbs into existence once more, I tuck them into my sides, much how Spruce or Terry would.

"What are you doing?" DMK says, taking a step back.

"You'll see." I say, not even looking at him.

I pull out the cloth from earlier, and extract the tear that was absorbed, and place it into a small test tube. Spreading my right wing, I flip a switch with my feathers that powers the machine that separates the water from the solutes within the tear itself, while I divide the tear into microscopic proportions by hand using a very special tool.

I pull a lever with my left wing that activates the machine that takes the split samples and prepares them for the distillation. Once the tear is distilled, I find two tiny glass panels and acquire the solutes from the tear, and seal them within the glass, making a slide to view underneath a microscope.

I repeat the process with the other samples so that I'll have multiple sources to look off of.
"Ohhhh! I know what you're doing! You're using your wings like another pair of gloves! That's neat." Terry says, his feathers ruffled up to the point when he looks like a puffball you buy at the craft store.

"Yeah. I'm also making some samples to look underneath the microscope so that I can diagnose what's wrong with good ol' DMK over here." I say, while clipping one of the samples onto the microscope.

"Did you have any friends that helped you with this stuff?" DMK asks, changing the subject. "Of course. Would you believe me if I said that they were all Halcandrans?" I shoot back.

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