Chromatic Eye

50 4 14

Dark Meta Knight's POV...

Well then.

That happened.

Things are back to normal though, and I'm feeling okay. Back in Mirror World, bullying is common, so this doesn't faze me as much as it used to.

...Now that I think of it, hardly anything fazes me...


I feel no anger, no sorrow, and no will to harm my original. It's like I've been numbed.

But by who?

My thoughts are interrupted by Falspar's voice chiming in.

"Do you think she knows where she's going?"

"Of course not. Opala hasn't even been on this ship for an hour." Meta Knight says, turning to the other end of the hallway.

So that's her name...

"Don't you have some sort of navigational system around here?" Falspar asks.

"Yes. Yes we do. And just because I have... Other things to attend to, I will most likely have one of my followers come and teach you how to use it."

I roll my eyes in annoyance. He doesn't even remember what happened to his mini army. "That is if they're still alive." I scowl, taking my leave to find Opala and obtain her help to search for the Meta-Knights. The last thing I need is to get lost on my twin's giant flying hunk of expensive and explosive metal.

"And where do you think you're going, Mister DMK? You don't know his ship either." Falspar sneers.

"That may be true, but if I can remember correctly, I will not have too much of a problem finding my way around Halberd. Let me be."

I walk through the seemingly endless halls of this dreary ship for about twenty minutes until I find the control room and Opala within it.

"Greetings, Sir."
She says without looking at me.
"Salutations, Opala. Did you happen to see any of Meta-Knights while you explored the ship?" I ask, my ragged cape wrapped around me.

"Oh. So you're looking for them too, eh? Well, I thought they would be in the control room, but there's hardly even a sign of life. Maybe I should check in the engine room or something."

She doesn't even question the fact that I already know her name.

Gazing at nothing in particular, I tiredly reply. "Hm. Dark Galacta Knight must've put them in a place where he could keep an eye on them while attending to his 'duties,' although, if you've grown up in the places I have, you could recognize the rumble of an engine through any filter of noise."

Huffing, she halfheartedly responds.
"I'm assuming that you heard engine noises through the conversation with the walkie-talkies, right?"

I nod, and close my eyes for a moment. "Yeah. Exactly." I peer at her with a half opened eye.
"How did you know?"

"Because I probably grew up in a place similar to where you were raised. But I thought Mirror Worlders were only copied. Not... you know... born and all that."

I look at her with a furrowed brow and tilt my head. There's so much I wish to say, but they're all wrong answers.

"Have you ever even had a subtle conversation with a Mirror Worlder before?"

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