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Augustine's POV.

Well, my life is spiraling out of control.

But here's what I know:

-Nočna Morá is a trash heap.

-I've got a Mirror World copy that's completely insane.

-Opala is still acting like... Opala.

And to finish it off, we've got a herd of dysfunctional madmen for an army that's supposedly going against a tyrannical snake lady with a taste for Dark Matter.

...Lord have mercy.

I'm in charge of the healing.

Whoo hoo.

"So... Are there any other healers?" I say.
"Nope. Just you." Dark Arthur says, quivering.

"May I ask why all of you people have shaking problems?" Meta Knight interjects.

"Because we were born afraid, anxious, and terrified. I'm not even the worst. Take a look at Nonsense over there." He says, twitching his faded green eyes.

Meta Knight and I glance at the corner of the command building, only to see the helmeted Mirror Worlder whispering to himself while staring at the wall and rocking back and forth.

"Wonderful." I mutter.

"Some are completely insane. It's truly horrific, but alas. Such is the life of a Mirror Worlder." Drags-His-Feet says.

I still can't believe they nickname each other like that.

"Why isn't DMK like this?" I ask.
"Because something is driving him away from this place rather than lulling him near." Failure murmurs.

"Huh. Well... Have you seen my copy anywhere? He's got issues, but he's good." I say, shrugging.

"I think I've seen him around. He's still nothing compared to others." Said Arthur. And I'm just gonna skip out of the 'Dark' because it's a mouthful.

"Maybe he knows a thing or two about healing. Plus, we can contact Rosie again and see if she's got any experience with the subject." I suggest.

"Good point, but she needs to watch Spruce and Terry. And with Bo and DGK on the loose, they'll be vulnerable to attacks. If she comes here, so do they." Meta Knight implies.

"True, but even if Rosie does contributes, we still only have two healers for the entire army. There's too many troops and not enough field medics." Arthur adds.

Our conversations goes on for a while, and before any of us knew it, it was midnight.

"Did we really spend five hours in there?" I ask Meta Knight as we leave the ruins of the building.

"Maybe time is distorted here. After all, nothing seems to be stable in this dungeon of a dimension." He says, his cape wrapped around him.

"Hm... Maybe." I murmur.

I head to the sleeping quarters, but there's hardly any space. So I decide to wander and search for a spot to rest on.

I eventually find a small patch of dead grass by the sidewalk that's somewhat suitable.

After a while of laying on the ground, it gets awfully quiet.

Psst. Hey.

"Huh?" I sit upright, half-awake.
It's me. Enit.

"Oh. Hi, Enit. Um... Could you show yourself?"


The trembling shape of the maskless Enit fabricates from the haze.

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