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"Alright, I'll get this to my friend at the lab. He should get back to us by tomorrow." The doctor smiles at me as she labels and puts away the sample from me. She already got Alan's earlier today.

"Thank you very much for helping me." I smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's part of the job and I also happen to like you." She chuckles and I laugh.

"Thank you, Doc. Let's go Amber." Nico smiles at her and he takes my hand. I manage to turn around and wave at her.

"Bye!" I follow Nico as he practically drags me along with him before I pull my hand from his and stop.

"What's going on Nico?" He sighs. I noticed he was impatient since before.

"Wait, does this have to do with the call you got?" He goes even more serious if it's possible.

"Yes, now will you please follow me?" I frown and stay there.

"Amber, why must you always be so difficult?" He seems annoyed and I get angry.

"Maybe because you never tell me anything and expect me to do whatever you say."

"Well, you should know by now that I do tell you when the time is right. Look, just follow me. It's something we need to discuss privately, okay?" I keep my mouth shut and decide to follow him. He walks and after a minute of tense silence he smiles and speaks.

"You're so stubborn, you know that? You always want things your way. But...even if it does annoy me, I also happen to like that about you. Sometimes." I can't help but laugh and as he turns down to look at me I feel a grin grow on my face. I could never stay mad at him and just looking at him makes me forget why I was even angry in the first place. Nico. He's always so sweet.

"I'm sorry. I know I should start listening to you more often, you always have a reason for doing things. I guess I just never had control over anything and now that I'm free I want to do whatever I want which isn't always right."

"I know, princess. You are free and don't ever feel like you have to do everything you're told. Just think things through first, okay?" I nod.

"Okay." We keep walking and he leads me to Alessandro's office which is my office for now. He opens the door for me and we walk in. I go sit down while he closed the door and he does the same after.

"Alright. What is it Nico?" I feel a pit in my stomach, I know this is serious and I don't know what to expect anymore.

"It was Antonio." I take in a deep breath unconsciously. If Nicholas is restless it's because it's not good news.

"He convinced them to give Alex some time but they only agreed to two weeks." This isn't fair but I knew what was coming and bringing it forward one week wasn't going to change the fact that Ale is in a delicate condition. It hurts but I need to come to terms with the fact that I might not be getting him back. A tear escapes from my eye and I speak as a few more follow.

"Well, we don't have a choice right?" He nods while looking at me with pain filled eyes. I know he doesn't like to see me in pain and for some reason I feel my heart speed up a bit. What is this?

"We also need to plan Just in case we do need to do this, it's short notice. We don't need to do anything grand, but we still need a priest and at least rent a few tables and such. I nod. He reaches out and wipes away my tears.

"Don't cry, little one. Things will work out. I promise that I won't ever make you lose hope in Alex, as long as he's breathing I don't expect anything from you. If we do wed, I make a promise to always do what I can to make you happy. I will never force you to do anything you don't wish and we will keep things professional in front of others. As soon as he does wake up we can stop the charade. Alright?" There he goes again smiling that warm smile only he can. Why must he always be so sweet and understanding? I know Alessandro is the one I love, so why do I feel these butterflies lately whenever I'm around Nicholas? I know I don't love him and as cruel as it may sound, he will never be my Ale. Still, he makes me feel something and I know I will always be safe with him. I've already decided that as much as it would hurt me, I can't wait for Ale forever. If he takes too long I can't wait forever no matter how much it tears me apart. I'm brought out of my thoughts as two warm arms wrap around me.

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