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I'm on the treadmill but for some reason I can't concentrate. I've already almost tripped at least a couple of times. The new piece of information is amazing but I can't believe we didn't search there. We only sent a couple of men to pass the area and check for any movement. When they saw that there were no cars or guards outside they searched the perimeter of the property and looked in through a few windows but saw nothing. They said it appeared to be empty and left. We were all so sure they wouldn't be there that we just assumed it as true. I sigh and try to focus on the treadmill. We can't do much until Luca does his part. We still need to know how many men Cobra has and how many of w them are at the safe house with him and if he can, we need to know about Ale's condition. We all try to avoid the idea but he could already be...dead. We have no reason to believe he isn't, other than the fact that we know King loves torturing people. That's the reason we have hope of him being alive but maybe that's just what Cobra wants us to think so he has a better chance at taking me.

I pry myself out of those thoughts and try to turn my attention to anything else and so I focus on Nico's voice. While I've been here on the treadmill he's already called the others to meet at the house. Right now I think he's talking wth Marcos.

"Yeah. That's what the meeting is for."

"No, we still have to wait for the information Luca can manage to get us."

"I know."

"I said I know, we all want him back Marcos but we have to be smart about this." I feel a lump in my throat. I want him back.

"He isn't."

"He won't."

"No, we won't fail." We definitely will not fail. Failure is not an option.

"It won't!" I jump a little at the sound of Nicholas yelling, I had never actually heard him angry and I can feel my pulse rising. He sounds just as intimidating as Alessandro.

"I know...but..." What is Marcos telling him? First he yells and now he sound so...vulnerable. His voice is suddenly so soft and he actually sounds very worried. I swallow while imagining what they're talking about. They're probably talking about what I'm trying not to think about. The possibility of Ale not being alive or the possibility of not being able to rescue him.

"Can we do it at the meeting? I can't do it alone..." He lowers his voice in an attempt for me not to hear but he fails. What can't he do alone? I feel my heart racing. Do they know something I don't? Something about Ale? I turn off the treadmill and walk to Nicholas.

"Thank you. See you soon." He hangs up and turns in my direction.

"Hi little one. Can't concentrate?" I shake my head and he sighs.

"We've been slacking off but how about we start tomorrow? I think we need to sort our feelings out first." He offers me half smile.

"Thanks." He simply nods.

"Let's go home."

We walk out and make our way to the car and I notice Nico is oddly silent. He seems very worried about something and I can't help but feel worried too. What had Marcos and Nico been talking about.

"Hey, Nico?" He turns to look at me.

"Hmm? Sorry, I was distracted. What's wrong?"

"What were you and Marcos talking about?" He shakes his head.

"Nothing important, just the meeting and stuff." He's trying to hide something from me.

"I think we've talked about this before Nicholas. I don't like being lied to and I don't like secrets being kept from me. What are you hiding from me?" He sighs.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz