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We had carried the bodies away and now the disposal is up to the men that always take care of these situations. I had hurried as much as I could because I want to go look for Amber, she had done everything perfectly. I'm so fucking proud of her but I know her and she probably felt bad for doing something like this. She truly is the most innocent and sweet person I have ever met and I saw the way she rushed to leave, it must have been difficult for her.

After properly excusing myself I go look for the golden eyed girl who always invades my thoughts. I don't know if I should go to the gym or to her room. She loves the garden but she definitely isn't there given that I saw her walk into the house. She usually goes to the gym to let out her frustrations but something tells me she's most likely in her bedroom. As I make my way to her the memories of what transpired this morning come to mind. She had managed everything so gracefully. She knows how to be patient and keep calm, the complete opposite of Ale and I. While all of us were ready to punch them, Amber used her words. I had fought against myself to not go and beat some sense into the little shit that had dared insult her but my cupcake maintained her calm exterior. I think we have all been learning from her, I do think this Mafia needed a feminine touch or more like and angel's touch. She is so different from everyone out there and she has been unknowingly teaching us to be much less impulsive and much more humane. What I admire most is that she almost always uses her heart first, follows her instincts while being smart about it. I have only seen her lose her composure on two occasions and that was yesterday while trying to protect me and this morning with that son of a bitch Renato. She has always been strong but before she didn't realize it, the difference is that now she knows it and she makes sure to stay that way.

I'm finally at her door and I knock while calling out.

"Little one?" I don't hear an answer. Maybe she isn't here after all but just to be sure I open the door and take a peek inside. Once I see her I open the door completely and let myself in. I look at the girl on the floor with a tear stained face, at least when she is sleeping she seems to be at peace. I remember she used to have constant nightmares and I'm glad that they haven't been haunting her like before. I get on my knees in front of the sleeping beauty I have before me. I take a quick second to admire her since I hardly ever have a chance to. I feel my chest hurt as I think about her suffering. Why does she deserve all of this? She is a much better person than any of us and all she has received is pain again and again. I wish I could just hold her and tell her everything will be okay and somehow put together all the pieces of her broken heart. She won't be fine until she has Alessandro back. My desire for her to be happy is infinitely stronger than the pain I feel from not being able to have her for myself. I will continue to do everything I can to get my brother back and to give Amber her happiness back.

I sigh and then put my arms underneath her. I pick her up and stand, thankful for the fact that she is so easy to carry. She shifts and snuggles up to me. I take another moment to imagine what it would be like if she loved me. I would be able to sleep next to her and wake up to her beautiful face. I would be able to hug her and kiss her. I would be happy. I break out of my thoughts and lay her onto her bed. I feel cold now that I don't have her body close to mine. I sit down on the edge next to her and take off her boots. In the process she stirs and I hear her wake up.


"Yes little one, it's me. How are you? I came to look for you and found you on the floor. I know you've been crying princess. But why?" I move closer to her and she sits up. I place a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Tell me Amber." She looks up at me and I see her slightly puffy eyes that by no means take away from her beauty.

"It was just really intense I guess. I had to watch them's just something I've never had to do. It's just hard. It's hard to be strong in front of everyone and doing what needs to be done when on the inside you don't really want to." I knew she was feeling guilty.

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