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I'm such an idiot! As I hold Amber in my arms I curse at myself. Why do I keep doing this? These kind of situations make her uncomfortable and I keep putting her in them. I'm just glad that this time it seems like she won't try to avoid me. I hope she remembers what I said last time, that no matter what I still want her as my friend. I let go of her and look at her. I expect to feel at least some awkwardness but I see her smiling at me and everything seems to be just fine. She seems to change her mind though because she drops her smile.

"Um, how long have you..." She trails off and I know what she means.

"Since I met you I knew you were different. We've rescued so many people and most of them have been innocent but there is something that stands out about you. Since the moment I my eyes fell on you I noticed your beauty. As time passed I started to get to know you more and I started to fall for you. I guess, almost as long as Alex." I swallow a lump that had somehow formed in my throat."

"Oh. Ok." She seems to think about what I had just said before turning to me with a small smile.

"Hey, how about we go have dinner, it's almost time." She nods at my suggestion before smirking.

"I'll beat you there!" She sets off in a sprint. Oh so she wants to play, fine. I run after her and catch up with ease. First of all I'm in better shape and second I'm much taller than her.

"That's not fair!" She frowns as we reach the dining room. I shrug.

"Well, you got a head start so I think it was." We sit down and wait for the rest to arrive. Strangely enough the last ones to join us are Emily and Marcos and they seem oddly giddy. I see Amber throw a smirk in their direction and they both seem to stiffen slightly. Something is up and I'm making Amber tell me later.


I try to break out of these ties but I know it's no use. I finally give up, I shouldn't be wasting my energy. I let out an angry yell. I want to punch something, anything, preferably Cobra's fucking face. I've been in here for days but I don't know how many. I know that I'm going to get out of here but with every agonizing second my frustration grows. I've been fantasizing about how I'm going to make that son of a bitch pay for all that he's done. Alicia will pay too. They all will. Being here makes me think of Amber even more. This is what her life was before she was taken to Dominic. I've been here for days and I already feel myself falling into despair. Being here just makes me admire her even more. She stayed strong for ten years and she went through much more than I have. I have to stay strong too, for her to be able to see her again and hold her and remind her how much I love her every chance that I get. As much as I want to get out of here though, a part of me is hoping they don't come because if they do I know Amber will be the head of the operation and in no way do I want her exposed to danger. I close my eyes and visualize those two golden orbs that had captivated me since the very moment we met. 

My Amber, my bella, my wife. She's mine and I've never felt so lucky in my life. I don't care what past she has to carry with her and the consequences it has brought. I would go through this again and again if it means having her by my side. I used to think I was invincible and that nothing would change that. Never have I been more wrong. My eyes shoot open as soon as I hear the door click.

"Ah! Alessandro my wonderful son in law, how are you?" I grit my teeth and mentally prepare myself for what's coming. Soon enough I feel a fist make contact with my cheek. It hurts and I feel it heat up but I maintain my stoic expression.

"You are such a fucking nuisance just like that little bitch. I already told you that when I ask you something you answer and you don't speak unless I address you. It's not rocket science! You know? I get why you fell in love with each other, you're both imbeciles." I feel him pull the chair making me fall onto the floor along with it. I feel his foot make contact with my body multiple times and after a few I groan in pain and he seems satisfied with himself.

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