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I walk through the long hallway to get to the medical wing to see Marcos. Axel had gone to his room after our conversation in the gym and although I want to be clean, I also want to see how Marcos is holding up. I've only seen him once after the day he woke up.

"Oomph." I bump into a large body but before I fall I feel two strong hand hold me up. I look up and much to my dismay I am face to face with Angelo. I hold back a groan.

"Careful tesoro. You could get hurt." I see him smirking at me. The truth is that he intimidates me, that's why I try to avoid him. He always looks at me like he is a predator and I am his unfortunate prey.


"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He raises an eyebrow and I notice that his hands are still holding me tightly. I pry them off of me and take a step back.

"I'm going to see Marcos." He cotinues to smirk. Even if Ale is much more powerful than his cousin, he has never made me feel uncomfortable like Angelo. It's different, he doesn't hold that air of dominance that Alessandro does, but he always seems so sure of himself and like he has me right where he wants me. It's as if he is planning an attack and is waiting to catch me off-guard.

"You know, I find it strange that a woman gets along so well with men. I mean no offense but I have never seen a female so... close to males. I try to figure out what he means. I hope he isn't implying what I think he is.

"You are always hugging them, especially Nicholas." I glare at him.

"What are you trying to say Angelo?" I spit at him.

"Nothing cara! Do not get upset, I have said nothing. It is simply an observation."


"Look I have things to do, so I'll see you later." I walk past him and I hear him speak while I can practically feel his eyes burning holes into my back.

"You will." He spoke almost in a whisper, one of those that hold more threat than any yelling. I know he is making a promise and I rush out of there as quickly as I can. I calm my nerves as I get closer to Marcos' room. I greet the men guarding the door and walk in. He was asleep but at the sound of the door he wakes up.

"Huh?" He opens his eyes and looks around until his eyes fall on me.

"Hey! Amber. Nice of you to remember I exist." He says in a teasing manner and I laugh.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy."

"I'll bet." He smiles at me.

"Do you know if you're ready to fly yet?" He seems a little taken aback.

"We'll have to ask the doctor. Why? Do you have information on Alessandro or Cobra?" I nod

"They went back to America just like we expected. No one knows their exact location but they are close to their old ware house. Tomorrow we're taking out all the traitors on this end and we're leaving the day after, only if it's safe for you of course." I look at his serious face.

"Don't worry. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. The only reason they have me here is to keep an eye on me but I've been recovering really well. I honestly don't care what the doc says, we have to leave." I shake my head.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant