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I wake up as I hear the car door open. I fell asleep on our way to pick Antonio up. I had a pretty restless night. I had a hard time falling asleep with so many thoughts swarming my mind and I had a few nightmares that woke me up throughout the night. I sit up and stretch before getting out of the car. As I do I can see Antonio walking toward us but I stop for a moment when I notice Angelo come out from behind him. He apologized for his behaviour but I still don't know if I can trust him. While Nico puts their suitcases in the trunk I greet them.

"Cara!" Antonio walks up to me and hugs me. He lets go and hold me by my arms.

"How are you? You have been so strong. I am very proud of you." I smile at his kind words. He's always so kind.

"I'm okay, uncle. But I do want him to wake up soon. I'm not sure how much more I can really take." His smile seems to drop.

"You are the strongest person I know. Do not worry."

"Buongiorno." Angelo stretches out his hand and I shake it. He seems to keep his distance and says nothing more. I can tell he's uncomfortable and something about him seems different. His usual cocky demeanor is gone.

"Let's go." Nicholas speaks and I get in the front with him while both Antonio and Angelo sit in the back. The drive back is mostly silent and the air is filled with tension. I know that for Antonio to want to come here it takes something serious and very important. I just can't imagine what. We finally pull up and walk in the safe house while some men come out and take the suitcases to their room.

"It is a shame my nephew's house was damaged." I nod.

"It is."

"May we go see him before discussing what I came to say?" I really hoped to get an answer first but of course I can't deny him that.

"Of course, uncle. Let's go." All fours us head to the medical wing. My heart flutters because I haven't gotten a chance to see Alessandro since last night. We eventually reach his room. Right now, it's Luca's turn to guard Alessandro and we all greet him.

"Luca!" Antonio walk up and gives him a quick hug.

"We all miss you but I am glad you came here. Thank you for helping my nephew. I am proud and your father would be too." I see Luca smile.

"Grazie." Angelo goes up and greets him as well. Nicholas gives him a quick 'hello'. It's my turn now.

"Thank you Luca. You did an incredible job." I throw my arms around him.

"I am glad you are fine, Amber. I was worried. I am also sorry for what has happened to Alessandro."

"Thank you Luca." I let him go and he stays outside while the rest of us go in. As soon as we do Antonio gasps.

"Oh, figlio." He walks up to Ale and holds his hand.


"Fight." He kisses his hand before letting go and turning back to us.

"May I speak to the doctor?"

"Of course." Nicholas answers and walks out with him and I stay with Angelo who's talking to Alessandro.

"I'll be right back." He looks at me as if waiting for me to say I'll be fine. He doesn't trust Angelo anymore than Ale did but I nod and he glares at Angelo before leaving.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang