Dear Mommy and Daddy...

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Dear Mommy and Daddy, And my little bunch of idiots and my baby Crusher,

The Skies are blue, and I'm missing you. Everythings beautiful around here but not as beautiful as Mommy though.

I miss our battles that we wage against each other, the pillow fights, Mommy's cakes and Daddy's cooking. My Twin boy's complains and juniors little rambles. I miss sleeping on Mommy's tummy and I miss sleeping on Daddy's chest. I miss Crusher's howlings and his soft greyish fur.

Daddy why am I afraid to grow up. I dont wanna grow up. I want to forever be your little girl. And Mama's little monster.

Callifornia is great, new people and our concert was amazing. Still,I feel so empty and hollow.

I hope you guys are fine. I heard Uncle Tao was getting married to uncle Kris. Give them my regards.

I'm sitting near my hotel room window. Its raining and its cold. Yet still I'm not wearing slippers. The same old idiot little monster you love Daddy.

Tomorrow is Mommy's birthday and I'm not there beside you guys. Mommy everyone says I speak like you. I have your voice and Daddy thanks for the height..

Everytime I stand on stage my heart fights to burst out. I fear of making a mistake but then I remember you guys and start singing.


Okay..Okay I know I'm twenty three but I'm still your baby right.

And yah my triplets dont you dare touch my stuff. And junior Noona misses you. Be a good boy arasso.

I guess I have to wind up now or I wouldn't eat or sleep.



"I Love...I Love you too." Chanyeol sniffled and Baekhyun cried into his neck.

Bee's Pov

Hi..I need not give you a introduction about me as you already know who I am. Well I'm on my way from Callifornia to surprise Mommy on his birthday.
I'm an idol now and many fans wait for me at the airport. I smile and wave at them, yet I rush to the car so I could run into my fathers arms.

Well they still as gorgeous as from the time I remember. Just a older in age that's all. Daddy still worked at the company and Mommy was still the phycatrist he was. My brothers of course were eighteen and junior was five. Crusher was older now but still as active as ever.

True I did stay and eat with my band mates in the dorms of SM yet this was home. The mansion I grew up in. The battles I lost and won. That traumic day I would never forget. The little scribblings around the house walls made me and then by my brothers.

The times I've enjoyed on Daddy's shoulders and the times I've eating like a glutton with my Mommy.

The house was dark and dimly lit as I tiptoed in side. This house carried memries from back to where Daddy was wasn't in his right mind. The time when he had stabbed Mommy, made love to him, tried to kick me dead, recovered and become my crazy hero.

I couldn't blame him. I could never. He was my everything. And so was my mother who went through so much to bring me in to this world.

Times when I have made fun of Mommy and Daddy when they kissed. I had plenty of pictures of them kissing and being all cuddly, safely stacked in my journal that I carry everywhere. Not that I didnt have my herd of devils pics with me. I did. I carried my family in my heart every day just like how Mommy did.

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