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The morning dawn on a little fairy stirring her self as she shot her beautiful bronze almond shaped eyes. She quickly ran over to the living room as her eyes searched for presents. But pouted when she found non.

"Mommy, Daddy it morning. ITS CHRISTMASSSS." Bee screamed her lungs off with her baby voice as she kicked the door to her parents room and flew into their bed.

"Wake up Wake up...Tinkles bells all the way. And you know what Santa came to my room last night." She said bouncing on Chanyeols back.

"Really?" Baekhyun squinted his eyes not sure whether to believe his daughter or not.

"Yes he did. He looked a lot like Daddy. When I asked him he said that I love Daddy too much that I even imagine Santa to be like him. And he said that I would have a big surprise in the morning.." She giggled. "And gave me this necklace. Look." She beemed at the saphire sterling necklace that hung around her small neck.

"Woow thats beautiful baby." Baekhyun took the necklace and looked at it frowning.

"And you should never remove it ever okay my barbie doll." Chanyeol said slowly turning around. Chanbee nodded smiling as she ran outside their room.

"Honey. Was that you?" Baekhyun said holding his hand.

"Yes baby. She was beyond happy when I put it around her neck." Chanyeol chuckled kissing Baekhyuns lips. The smaller smiled into his drug.

"Merry Christmas my sweet husband." The smaller giggled getting the bed and following his daughter.

"Merry Christmas my sexy wife." Chanyeol shouted back at him smiling.

"Mommy Merry Christmas. Daddy my baby Daddy...Merry Christmas." Chanbee climbed her favorite tree.

"Merry Christmas angel." Chanyeol and Baekhyun said in unison. Baekhyun tiptoed and kissed Bee's cheek.

"Mommy you look beautiful." She said squeezing her mothers cheeks.

"Awe thank you baby. You look beautiful too." The beautiful doctor smiled as he sat on the couch.

"Soo Mommy....Where's my present." Bee asked sitting on her beloved fathers lap. Snuggling into his warm embrace.

"Umm..Well give mine first." Baekhyun smiled at his husband and daughter.

"Well...Merry Christmas Mommy." Both of them cooed hugging Baekhyun as they gave him a box neatly wrapped in red wrapping paper.

"What in this." The smaller looked up.

"Open it Baby. You'll know." Chanyeol snaked his arm around Baekhyuns waist pulling him closer.

When Baekhyun opened it was a snowflake necklace from Yeollie. And a messily made rose flower by Chanbee. Baekhyuns eyes filled with tears as he told Chanyeol put the necklace on his neck. And the rose was carefully kept aside to be preserved for eternity.

"Now where are my presents mommy." Bee wined at her mother.

"Oppsy sorry. Here." Baekhyun handed Bee a card. She opened it and pouted while frowning.

"Its empty." She started blowing her cheeks.

"Yes. So write what you want for Christmas and I'll get it for you." The smaller smiled at his daughter.

"Ohh...I want a dragon." She said writing it down. "Ohh a bow and arrow . A sword.." She chanted happily scribbling them down. Her tongue stuck out.

"Baby. Mommy cant buy dragon. Can he?" Chanyeol chuckled looking at his wife who was groaning.

"But Daddy.. Then I want a horsy." She said scratching the dragon off and writing horsey.

"Fine. You'll get what you want in three days time. Happy?" Baekhyun said and she nodded dancing.

"Baby. What about my Christmas present?" Chanyeol pouted at his wife.

"Wait for it silly boy." Baekhyun smirked carrying Bee off to the kitchen to give her the cake.

It was evening when Taeyeon and Jimin visited the ChanBaeBee family with their three year old Taehyung.

"Hey Baekkie and Channie. Merry Christmas." Jimin and Taeyeon said in unison as they gave their friends tight hugs.

"Here." Tae handed over a pink box to Baekhyun who was making hot chocolate.

"Whats this?" He said wiping his hands.

"Duh, a present dummy." She rolled her eyes.

"I know, I know. Thank you for the pink jeans?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Just wanted to see in them. Hehe." She said jumping off before Baekhyun could hit her.

When Baekhyun went to the living room with hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies and rasin cookies he giggled at the sight.

Chanyeol was making a kite for Jimin scolding him about how he cannot fly a kite in winter. But the idiot was Taeyeons son after all and insisted on flying a kite in winter.

Bee was combing Jimins hair doing her signature hair do. Tying two pig tails on his silver hair. She then crawled to her Daddy and did the same thing. Then after Taehyung joined the trio and they posed for a selfie.

The chips were gobbled away by the kids and the hot chocolate was immediatly drained out.

It was nice to have fun and laughter in the living room. Bee was playing queen, Taehyung was playing knight. Chanyeol was the king. Jimin was the pirate. It was like a herd of hooligans goofing about like crazy.

Baekhyun and Tae sat on the couch watching the little squad who always made their lives worth living for.

As time passed and the story ended Taeyeon and Jimin left with a sleeling Taehyung.

But Chanbee was so full of energy that she still bounced on her Daddys shoulders as he walked about the house towering over the midget who giggled at the idiots.

Chanbee was bathed and tucked into bed. Baekhyun kissed her forehead and he felt warm hands wrapped around his waist. He smiled at his husband and turned around. He was gently lifted up into a bridal style and softly taken away to their bed room.

"Gosh..It was tiring and amazing." Chanyeol said laying Baekhyun down on their bed.

"Yah..Bee is really nuts. She's totally cracked. All thanks to you. Urghh." Baekhyun giggled and Chanyeol joined into the laughter.

"Goodnight Baby." He said kissing the smallers lips and plopping next him.

"Wait Yeollie. Don't your present?" Baekhyun asked leaning on his chest.


Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

Any suggestions for Baekhyuns gift?

Please help me. I'm stuck with that...


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