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Five Years Later......

It was yet another exhausting day at the Asylum. Baekhyun was having a splitting headache and it was almost seven thirty and he hadn't gone home. He packed his things and walked out the gloomy silent hallways. Everyone was sleeping except for himself and his best friend Taeyeon. She was closing her cabin door when she saw him walking towards her.

"Hey buddy. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." She said giving him a hug. "Meet you tomorrow night."

She said as they seprated towards their cars. Well Tae married Jimin and she has a cute son. She was always in and out of Baekhyuns house.

The smaller remembered his giant who now was the CEO of the Parks company and he came home early. Picking their daughter ChanBee. A child from Chanyeols own heart. She had Baekhyuns looks and his sweet qualities. But she was a mini Channie.

Baekhyun would often go home to chaos. Father and daughter never failed to play havoc around their big house. They had moved after she was born thinking the little demon need space to play her imaginary battles of wars where she would play princess and Chanyeol would play King.

She was indeed a bundle of joy and a fountain of endless chatter. She had dark hair, almond eyes, button nose, along with Baekhyuns lips and body structure. A extravagant imagination and mind and an extremely huge heart.

Baekhyun smiled as he parked his car and walked into the brightly decorated house. Hus smile grew wider as he lent on the ark of his living room and watched his giant and fairy Tink decorating the Christmas tree. He silently giggled at the tiny pigtails on Chanyeols hair and the tiny bunny clips sticking out.

"Daddy. Palli. Mommy would be hear any minute." ChanBees baby voice resonate the bright living room.

"Sure Fairy Tink. There done." Chanyeol grinned handing her the gold star. She clapped her hands as she started climbing her fathers torso like a monkey. Her frock going up and her rillakumma panty short showing making her mother giggle softly. She had her tongue stuck out as she finally landed on her fathers shoulders. She sat down both her legs dangling on either side of his shoulder as she place the star on the tip.

"Woow Daddy..Its it great." She giggled hugging his face with her small arms.

"Not as great as you. My princess." He chuckled turning out to see a smiling Baekhyun.

"Ohh Mommy. Ta da..I and Daddt decorated the housy and the tree for you." The miniature girl giggled wiggling her toes.

"Awe thank you my heart. How was your day with Daddy B?" Baekhyun kissed her soft knee.

"AMAZING...We even brought you a gift. Opps..Sorry Daddy." B slapped her mouth.

"Aish you naughty browni." Chanyeol chuckled as he pulled Baekhyuns waist closer. The smaller tiptoed and kissed his husband lips as his hand held his face tightly. Baekhyuns wedding ring glisten in the light. Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun up a little so his short wife could reach their daughters nose. His ring glisten as his arm held Baekhyuns waist tightly.

Baekhyun spent his time that night making a Christmas cake for his daughter. For she loved to eat it. He had told her to go to bed earlier but she wouldn't listen. She kept stealing cherries and cookies. Three for her and two for Daddy she had innocently said and made a adorable cat face that Baekhyun hadn't the heart to refuse.

"Yeollie. You are spoiling her." Baekhyun glared at the taller.

"A princess should be spoilt." He said tickling his daughter.

"Say Bee. What do you want for Christmas?" Baekhyun asked suddenly as he accidently wiped his cheek with flour.

"Mommy. I wanna baby brother. Or sister. But I cant share Daddy with them. I want them to play with when daddys away." She pouted hugging Chanyeol.

"Ummm...dont be so posseive of your Daddy baby. He would always be yours you know that right?" Baekhyun smiled and Bee grinned jumping off.

"Where are you going Bee?"
The giant daddy.

"To the bathroom Daddy." She said biting her lips and curling her feet.

"Dont." Chanyeol smirked.

"Please Daddy. Let me go its coming." She was near to crying.

"Aish Chanyeol. Yoh meanie monster. You run along baby. Quick go. Fighting." Baekhyun shooed her off and she sprintted off.

"Channie. That was mean." The smaller glared at the laughing giant. But yelped when he felt a hand snake around his waist.

"I was joking. So ummm..Bee says she wants a sibling or two. How about we give her one hmm?" Chanyeol whispered kissing Baekhyun's neck softly. Then wiped the floor away and kissed those addicting pink petal like lips.

"Yeollie...I'm scard. What if she becomes jealous or something?" Baekhyun pouted as they pulled away.

"She's possessive. She's madly in love with me. But she's you. I know she'd love them alot." Chanyeol smiled.

"Hmmm.I hope so. But no Chanyeol. I'm buzy and no matter how much you try to turn me on,It wont work." The flustered midget pushed him away.

"Cold cold cold. Mommy I think my thighs have become ice cubes." Bee pouted as she came sniffling

"Awe baby. Wanna have a warm bath? With Daddy? Across the oceans. On a voyage with sinbad. Through the sea of monsters." Chanyeol asked carrying her and she nodded happily.

"Bye mommy. We are going on an ADVENTURE." She waved from Chanyeols shoulder as father and daughter walked awat to have their adventurous bath.

Baekhyun giggled as he started to add more fruits into the cake.

"A little bit of crazy. A lotta love. A thousand pieces of joy. And million kisses from me." Baekhyun mumbled as he happily put the cake to bake and walked to the bathroom. Their Chanyeol sat with his jeans as Bee was dressed in a pink vest with bubbles of sweet smelling soap on her dark hair. A blind on her left eye and a wooden sword on her right arm. Chanyeol had on a head band. His mini pigtails gone but would be immediately replace when she notices they are gone.

"Mommy. I'm a pirate. And I'm hijacking Daddys ship. Ohh you can be a mermaid. Awesome.." She said splashing water everywhere as Chanyeol pretended to be afraid.

After Bee was clean and shinny Chanyeol handed over his giggling daughter to her mother who wrapped the girl in a purple towel and carried her away.

"There. Goodnight.Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite. You have to be the first one to wake up on Chirstmas morning

"Of course mommy. I love you. Good night. I LOVE YOU DADDY." She screamed so that Chanyeol heard it in his bathroom. And shouted back.


Baekhyun and Bee giggled as Bee was slowly lulled to sleep.

The smaller went back to his cake as his daughter fell asleep. He took it out satisfied with how it looked.

"Hmmm.Smells tempting." A deep voice said as a warm body wrapped Baekhyuns petite frame into his embrace.

"Hehe.. Yeol you should sleep honey. I have more work to finished." Baekhyun kissed Chanyeols cheek.

"Lets do them together. Hmm?" The taller said as the two started off to do the preparations for Christmas.


What if I say this is the last Chapter?

Should Baek have another kid or should I end this like this?

Wanna know what happens on Christmas day?

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