the new arival

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       POV Dean.

It was 3 am. Sam, Dad and I had just finished a hunt for a nest of Chaos-Howlers. they are color changing beast that track and kill people in the late afternoon. In this case there where five, they where had decided to feast on the joggers in the quite town of Maxville.

      After an hour of driving, Dad had parked the car outside of the police station. When he got out I figure he was going to just tell them his finding where that it was a bear attack, like he always did and then we would be back on the road. The one thing I never could have guessed would happen was that he would bring back a baby. More importantly a girl.

     "Dad, Whats with the car seat?" Sam had asked, as dad popped open the back seat on the drivers side across from where Sam was seated.

     "You boys have a baby sister, now. Her name is Max," Dad told us, as he buckled in the seat.

     "You had another kid and never told us? Did we know her mom? Are you the only family she has left? Dad" Sam shot of questions like he was a five year old again.

      "No, no, not related, the kids family dead in a house fire she was the only one to live. The couldn't find any family for her and she was in need of people to care for her. The police begged me to take her back with me. So I have the forms for her." Dad said calmly.

      At about 7 am dad finally stopped the car in front of a motel with the sign lights out. he  left us with the baby, and went in to the office. It wasn't long before we had a room and had to find a way to get max out of the seat.

       Once in the room Sam and I went and truly looked at Max. She was very small, with blonde hair, almost to the point of being white. it was clear to see she wasn't even a year old year. Her eyes were bright blue, and if I didn't know any better I would have sworn that they had glowed that day. But the truth was it had been a long night and staring at a baby was not the thing I need to do. Although her being wide awake did have me worried, it was mostly because I remembered Sam trying to put everything he could in to his mouth when he was young.

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