Christmas Eve

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~Cas' POV~

I'm half asleep when my phone rings on the morning of Christmas Eve. The ringtone is the TARDIS, which makes me think that it's landing in my room. I get all my hopes up, look around, and realize that I'm going insane.

"H-hello?" I manage to creak out. My voice is still raspy.

"Good morning, Angel. I have a surprise for you. Be ready by five, suit up for something fancy," Dean says.

"Deeeeeaaaan, it's 8 AM and Christmas break. You couldn't have waited a few more hours to call?"

"Caaaaaaasss, what if you needed to get fitted for a suit?"

I laugh at the way he whines my name. "I have a suit, Dean."

"Good to know," he started. "Get some rest, Angel. I don't want you to be cranky on a night like tonight." I could hear his smile through the phone.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too."


I can't help but smile throughout the whole day. What is he planning?

I waltz downstairs singing "All My Love" by Led Zeppelin, which kind of became our song.

"Jeez what are you so excited about?" Gabriel says when I'm pouring my cereal. He's with Sam, which puts an even bigger smile in my face.

"Dean is taking me out to dinner tonight," I practically sing to the two boys.

"Ooooh!" they say, mocking me. I don't let them dull my sparkle.

Wow. That was flamboyantly gay.


It's about 3 o'clock now, and I decide to start getting ready. When I shower, I sing. When I get dressed, I sing. Why am I singing?

I check to make sure the suit still fits me around 3:45, and it fits perfectly.

I have nothing to do for about an hour, so I decide to see what's on TV. Luckily, a Doctor Who re-run is on, so I'm not bored. The episode is pretty emotional, so I text Dean to distract myself a little. He refuses to tell me what we're doing, until finally he says, "I gotta go. I'm driving to your house right now. I don't wanna die today."


15 minutes later, the doorbell rings. I quickly grab my trench coat and throw it on as I run down the stairs, but Gabe already has the door open. Dean kind of barges through Gabe to get to me and he kisses me.

"Merry Christmas, Angel," he says.

I just smile. He makes me wear a blindfold on the way to wherever we're going.

The drive is long, seemingly endless, but Dean tries to fill the silence with small talk.

"Angel, for the last time, I'm not telling you where we're going," he says.

"But Dean," I retort.

He doesn't say anything for the rest of the car ride.

Suddenly, he stops the car. Finally.

He comes to the other side of the car and I hear the door open. He helps me out of the car and whispers in my ear, "Follow my steps, Angel."

And so I do. I trip a few times and realize that this is probably what if felt like for him when I first led him to our lake.

Our lake. That's where he's taking me. But I don't say anything, because I would hate to see him deflated tonight.

Finally, he undoes my blindfold, and I can't believe my eyes.

We are at our lake, but it's different. There's a small, round table down close to the lake. There's a simple white table cloth over the table with a single candle and two sets of silverware next to two plates. There are little Christmas lights all over our little area.

I can't say anything. It's too amazing to put into words.

Dean comes up behind me and startles me. He wraps his arms around my waist and we rock back and forth while I rest my head against his shoulder. He then holds his arm out towards what seems like nothing, and our song starts playing. I can't help it anymore: I turn around and kiss him passionately. We stay like that for a long time and then Dean says, "We should probably eat before the food gets cold."

He takes my hand and leads me over to the table, where he reveals two plates of fish fingers and custard. I chuckle at the reference and he kisses me across the table.

Dinner lasts a long time. We don't ever run out of things to talk about.

Dean eventually takes me to a blanket set out before the lake. We lay down and he drapes his arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Remember the first night we were out here, and we didn't know what the hell we were doing? We didn't know if we were suddenly dating, or anything?"

"Yeah," I breathe out.

"'Imagine seeing the TARDIS flying around up there,'" I say as he points up at the constellations.

"You remember that?" he says with a smile.

"Please, I thought about you saying that for two weeks after that. I wouldn't forget it if I tried," I replied.

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