"The women were more, uhm . . . co-operative?" The woman asked.

Richard looked at her, taking in the wicked gleam.

"Why do you ask that?"

"A good looking man such as yourself, possessing enough charm to thread your way into everyone's confidence . . . they never expressed an interest?"

"I told you, I hung back when they met. I was never introduced."

Her smile indicated she thought differently and Richard mentally questioned her intentions.

"And you didn't learn the contents of Peter's briefcase?" The man was getting surly in his questioning.

The smile that lit Richard's face was one of genuine malice. He was ready to leap down the man's throat and tear out his tongue. Nathan coughed and closed his eyes and Murray winked at Richard.

"Perhaps a washroom break might ease the tension." Nathan stood, clapping his hands.

Murray moved to clear away the dishes and the tray, Nathan slipped out onto the front stoop and the man actually took a washroom break.

"Gerard gets riled easily in these sessions." The woman stood and studied Richard with amusement.

"He's a pompous ass." Richard got up and moved around the woman toward the door.

"Uh, sorry, you can't leave the room alone."

"I'm not a kid." He snapped.

"Protocol, sir." Murray stepped in from the kitchen and gave Richard another wink.

"Jesus, this is so- so bloody theatrical." Richard went back to his chair and flopped down.

"We learned a lot from theatrics over the years. They reveal a certain level of intelligence you know." The woman said.

"Could have fooled me."

Her eyes flashed and she set her mouth in a grim line. "I was beginning to like you, Richard."

"My loss I guess." He stared up at her until she looked away.

Gerard came back and looked at his watch.

"Time to move on." He said crisply.

Nathan came back in, rejuvenated from his smoke. The team sat and the recorder started again with another time signal.

"Your relationship with these women," the man began. "Describe it please."

"Are you deliberately dense?" Richard said pointedly.

"Everything." The man tilted forward, his tie swinging loose. "Every sordid little perversion."

Richard jumped up from the chair, startling everyone except Murray, who in a flash was at his side, a restraining hand on his arm.

"I think we should stick to the pertinent information, Gerard," Nathan cautioned.

"He can stick it where he wants, I'm done here." Richard glared at Murray and tried moving away but was urged to sit again.

"Sir. Please." The sudden pressure on his arm was so great he gasped.

Nathan waved a calming hand and spoke to the team. "I think what we have is sufficient to move ahead. Richard provided the locations and recognition codes for Peter's contacts and the frequency of the transactions."

Nathan urged the inquisitors to conclude and held out a directional hand toward the door. "We have concluded that Peter was not acting in good faith and we are now in the process of discrediting him with the Foundation. So I think we can say you have enough to fatten your file."

Gerard glowered at Nathan and then gave Richard a scalding look as well. "This will not do, you know that, Fischer. My report will show your interference and the behavior of your agent."

Richard stood again. "Don't forget to mention the biscuits."

Gerard took a threatening step but Murray adroitly blocked his path.

"Best take a breath, sir. Better for all, yeah?"

The woman placed a hand on her partner's arm and nodded her agreement. Gerard turned and left for the door and the woman faced Richard again.

"A continuing career with the Agency requires a modicum of respect and a large dose of co-operation, Richard."

"Yes, and I would appreciate it." He replied blandly.

Her face lit up with a pink glow and she spun on her heel and followed Gerard out.

"That could have gone better, old son." Nathan lit a cigarette and dragged half of it down his throat. "But you did very well in protecting our information. Two of the contacts are our people whose identity will remain classified until they are dealt with.

As we move toward the rebuilding of the network to our desires we will decide who will remain a part and who else will be cut loose." He clapped his hands again and then clasped his fingers in front.

"Why didn't you tell me about Cora?"

"That part of your mission was over." Nathan replied calmly.

"Jesus! You are a cold bastard."

"It was for your own good, son. It would have proven a terrible distraction if you had known earlier."

Richard almost spat as he walked away to stare out the window.

Silence filled the room except for Murray, cleaning up and replacing the seating to its original position. Nathan went through half a dozen cigarettes and then finally asked Richard to sit down.

"We have another assignment, son."

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