Forever Is Composed of Now's

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Thunder clapped loudly in the distance, although it was a faint whisper compared to the overpowering thud thud thud of my heartbeat. Adrenaline circulated throughout my body like a drug had been introduced to my system and a mixture of anger, fear and excitement causing my hands to shake furiously. I clenched my hands tightly into fists at my side as I stomped down the familiar darkened corridor, purposely ignoring the heavy footsteps that followed me from a distance but close enough that I could feel their lingering presence.

I slid open the front door to the loft without even looking over my shoulder at its owner, delighting in the loid slam that echoed throughout the otherwise silent room. A flash of lightning illuminated the darkened room as it reflected through the large wall of windows, leaving only the moonlight to cast an ominous glow in its wake. 

I stalked further into the familiar room, taking in the stack of magazines and empty coffee mug that I had left on the coffee table during my last visit. After Derek had left Beacon Hills the loft become my sanctuary away from everyone; it became a place where I didn't have to act strong or infallible but somewhere that I could relax and read or study or meditate without anyone wanting something me, even it was just my company. 

"Why are you here?" I demanded to know in a hard tone as I spun around to face him with a blank expression on my face, unwilling to let him know that his mere presence was disconcerting and causing my body to contradict what my mind was telling me to do. 

"This is my loft." Derek answered softly in a teasing tone, his voice hesitant like he wasn't sure whether or not his quip would be appreciated as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets in what seemed like a nervous gesture. 

"Not the loft, Derek." I stated clearly in an annoyed voice as I narrowed my eyes at him in frustration and he sighed heavily in defeat, his shoulders slumping slightly as I continued, "Beacon Hills. Why are you here in Beacon Hills?"

His soulful green eyes stared into me for a moment, scanning my features as though he was gazing at some long forgotten treasure and I quirked an eyebrow at him as I placed my hands on my hips. I tapped my foot impatiently as his lips twitched slightly in amusement, only adding to my ire and he tilted his head to the side as he informed me softly, "I got your phone call."

"Oh, the one where I told you I didn't want to see you?" I asked him sarcastically as I recalled the angry phone call I made to him the morning after my torture at the hands of the Dread Doctors. Warmth spread without my chest as he practically came running when I called him, but I couldn't determine whether it was hope or anger that weighed so heavily on my heart. 

"The one where you were breaking into pieces." he corrected softly in a knowing tone like it wasn't ever up for debate and I couldn't stand the thought that he pitied me, that he saw my as some weak little girl, some porcelain doll. 

Fury rolled through me like a tidal wave swiping over a beach as I gritted my teeth to the point of pain and a haze of red crossed my gaze as my closed fist slammed into his jaw with the full weight of my body behind it. Derek groaned in pain as his body stumbled back a few steps, his head lolling to the side under the pressure inflicted and a trail of blood ran from the corner of his mouth as he caught himself from falling. I didn't give him any time to recover as I gripped his shoulders tightly and brought my knee up to his stomach, causing him to slump over in agony before I released him with a satisfied grin. I walked back a few pace so that he could compose himself, my veins practically tingly with adrenaline and I laughed slightly as I raked my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face. 

"Sophie..." he warned in a strained voice through gritted teeth as he straightened up and I licked my lips in anticipation as he held up his hands in surrender, obviously recognising the bloodlust in my eyes from previous sparring sessions. That was one benefit to fighting with another werewolf, I never had to hold back my strength because I knew that they could handle it and what they couldn't handle would heal. 

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