Chapter 14/16

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" Before this incident, I wanted to tell you but couldn't, I'm transferring to Singapore due to some problems and my cousin will be paying for my school fee, he graduated university last year " She explained.

" When? " I asked.

" When I get discharged, I'll give my cousin a call and he'll buy a plane ticket for me " She replied.

" Before you go, can I ask you something? Only answer if you're okay with it " I said.

She nodded her head in response.

- Ryujin's pov-

" Do you think... this is.. love? " He questioned.

" What is? " I asked back.

" Us " He said.

" You and me? Ahh.... well, I don't know, why are you trying to make things awkward? I think this is just how we are and nothing will change that " I answered.

"Never-mind" He shyly looked away.

Is he confessing? Why when I'm telling him I'm leaving?


Before I left for Singapore, I texted HyunH about our meet up last time.

Shijinnie: Sorry, we couldn't meet again.

HyunH: It's fine, where are you now?

Shijinnie: I'm at the airport, I have to go somewhere

HyunH: Can we meet at the airport if it's not too late? I'm not too far, what are you wearing?

Shijinnie: A white hoodie near gate 8

HyunH: Okay, wait

I waited for a few minutes before I saw someone with a mask run towards me.

" Are you... that HyunH guy? " I asked.

He slowly opened his mask,

" Don't you want a goodbye hug? " Hyunjin spread his arms for me.

" You are.. "

" Hi, Shijinnie! " He smiled brightly.

" HyunH, it was you this whole time? How? You had the app too? " I questioned.

" I was your first follower " He answered.

He hugged me tightly,

" Goodbye, safe flight and make sure to Skype me when you're available... thanks, sis " He whispered to me.

" You too, thanks " I hugged back.

I had to leave because my plane was waiting for me. We waved to each other one last time before we part ways.

I looked at him through the window, I started tearing up myself.

I'm sorry Hyunjin, I wasn't a good friend. You gave me a hint last time when we were in the restaurant and the hospital but I didn't take your words seriously. I am regretting it right now, I wish this plane will be cancelled so I can come back with you. You were my strength, my weakness, my energizer, my best friend and my... Love. I will miss you, Hyunjin... I love you.

The plane departed Korea so did my heart.


I landed safely in Singapore, my cousin was already there waiting for me.

" Oppa! " I called.

" Ryujin ah, I miss you, welcome to Singapore " He hugged me.

He drove me to his house and told me a lot about my new school.

" Oppa, do you think I'll fit in with the people here? " I asked.

" Of course, I already became friends with some of their parents during school opening last week " He replied.

" Can I have the wifi password? " I questioned.

He gave me a small note with the password.

" Do you want to contact someone? " He noticed me rushing.

" No " I lied.

I opened my messages and texted Hyunjin,

Ryujin: Oppa, I arrived safely

Hyunjin: Good! I miss you already

I started tearing up myself without a reason.

Ryujin: Make sure to visit me

Hyunjin: Okay!

" Ryujin, come eat, I know the airplane food was not satisfying so I bought your favorite chili crab " My cousin called me.


It's my first day of school in Singapore, everyone seems to be speaking fluent English and Mandarin while I've only been learning through the internet and chatting with my cousin.

" Hello, my name is Shin Ryujin and I'm Korean " I introduced myself.

"Can you tell us some of your personal information? " The teacher stated.

" I'm... 19 Korean age, I don't live with my family because of some problems so I lived with my best friend while I studied in Korea, I moved here because my cousin was willing to look after me and I think it's good to try something new " I explained.

" We look forward to working with you, have a seat " I was assigned a seat.

I scanned around the classroom. Everyone glanced at me and looked away.

" Hello, Ryujin ah " Someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around seeing a Korean boy,

" My name is Yunhyeong " He introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you " I said.

The day went by pretty slow, everything is just... unusual. Everyone is matured and only care about their own problems.

" How was school? " My cousin asked.

Thanks for reading!

The Unwanted Relationship ( Stray Kids Hyunjin and JYP Shin RyuJin )Where stories live. Discover now