Chapter 7/16

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Early in the morning, I recieved a call from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello, is this Hyunjin?

Hyunjin: Yes, why?

Unknown: Your friend Ryujin was found half concious near Han River around half an hour ago but she refuses to visit the hospital

Hyunjin: What?

I took my car key and drive straight to Han river.

I could see someone sitting down on the ground the minute I arrived.

" Ryujin ah, are you okay? " I asked.

Instead of answering, she got up and walked away. I ran up to her and pulled her in for a tight hug, she needs it right now.

" Grandma... is gone" She started sobbing. I wanted to cry but I held it in.

" It's okay " I comforted her.

I took her in the car and started driving to her grandma's memorial. Her tears won't stop falling as she looked out the window.

" Don't think too much " I said as I held her hand tightly.

We arrived shortly after at her grandma's memorial.


" I want to stay over tonight, you should go " She told me.

" I'll take your things from home, be careful " I said.

I quickly drove back to her house and packed her bags before bringing it back.

She was already asleep, she cried herself to sleep. I slowly placed a blanket over her and sat down next to her.

" Grandma, Why did you leave now? Don't you know how hurt your granddaughter is for not always being there for you, seeing her in this position makes me understand how much she loves you and care for you even if she doesn't show it, I hope you'll never forget your beloved grand-daughter and help her in the future, thank you for everything grandma " I prayed.


I slowly opened my eyes,

" Why did you sleep here too? I told you to go " She said.

" I must have fallen asleep, sorry " I said back.

" Let's go for breakfast, you didn't even eat dinner " She reminded me.

We went to a nearby cafe,

" Hyunjin ah, I'm sorry to ask this all of a sudden but can I move in with you? Now my grandpa lives all alone and my family is running out of money, I want to sell my house but I have no where to go " She explained.

" Move in with me? I wouldn't mind. I've spend many days at your house, it's like usual anyways just that it's now my house " I agreed.

" I want to sign the form by this week so I can help my grandpa who is sick " She said.


The next day, she already started moving her belongings to my house.

" You can sleep in my room tonight, I haven't had time to clean the guest room " I offered.

" Where will you sleep? " She questioned.

" Down here " I answered.

" Just sleep upstairs, you have an extra mattress right? " She asked.

After a long tiring day, we both took turn showering and tucked ourselves into bed.

" Oppa, can you tell me a bedtime story? " She said.

" Aren't you too old for that? But if you want, I'll try " I agreed.

Throughout my story, I couldn't hear any sound. She must be asleep. But the minute I got up to check on her, she was crying on the bed silently.

" Why are you crying? I thought you wanted to hear a story " I asked.

She turned her body to the other side and covered her face in embarrasment.

" I won't laugh at you, it's okay " I told her.

I continued my story until the end and closed my eyes, If I check on her now, she might be more embarrassed.

" Goodnight, sis " I said before taking a trip to dreamland.


I got up seeing my bed empty, where did she go? I walked down half awake when I saw her cooking eggs.

" I'll help you " I was about to hold the pan when I felt her hands, " Why are your hands freezing? " I asked.

She was sweating when the room was cold and she started to swing as she feels dizzy.

" Sit down, I'll make you some tea " I told her.

She probably didn't sleep last night, with the weather right now, it's easy to catch a fever.

My phone vibrated and I recieved a text from Bona while making tea,

Bona: Good morning my love ;) How are you? Wanna meet?

Hyunjin: I'm sorry, something happened and I have to stay back today.

Bona: What happened? I'll come over.

Hyunjin: There's no need, just rest at home.

Bona: When will you be free?

Hyunjin: I'll call you when I am, sorry

" Bona texted you right? Just go " Ryujin spoke up.

" How can I? Here, drink this " I gave her the cup of tea.

Her hands were shaking making some of the tea spill, " I'll hold it for you " I helped her.

I turned on her lap top and she recieved an email from the school.

Dear students of class 2019,

We will be preparing tomorrow for a production that will take place in two weeks called " Conviced Love " . Characters are chosen based on your drama report, we hope for all your cooperation for this special event.

" I got a pretty high grade for my drama last year but I have no interest in running for the main character " She told me.

" Wait, the cast list is already sent " I read through the second email.

" What? We're main? Both of us? " She widen her eyes when she saw our names.


" Hyunjin and Ryujin, please start scene 1 and rehearse for the theme song " The teacher told us.

" Yes! " We responded.

" Don't push yourself too hard, hwaiting! " I whispered to her.

Thanks for reading!

The Unwanted Relationship ( Stray Kids Hyunjin and JYP Shin RyuJin )Where stories live. Discover now