Chapter 6/16

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I texted Bona right away,

Hyunjin: Bona, I'm really sorry I had to leave early on your birthday. I'll make it up to you okay? I love you and Happy Birthday!

" Water " Ryujin said.

I put her head up so she could drink some water.

" Oppa, do you know how much I love you, you're a good brother to me, I'm always happy when you're around because you're special and I will always need you, thank you for staying by my side " She said in her sleep.

I got warm towels and started wiping her face and her hands.

" I'm sorry, I should have taken better care of you " I said.

I needed to wash her dress that was messed up and dirty. I carefully took her dress off and made sure I didn't see anything before replacing it with my jacket.

I washed her cloths and hung it up by the window. I jumped on the couch and slept.


I woke up early because the sun was shining right at my face, shoot! The dress is gone. It must have flew off with the wind, what should I do???

" Oppa " Ryujin called me.

" Morning sis " I pinched her cheeks.

" Where are my cloths? Why am I wearing your jacket? " She noticed.

" I'm sorry, I was drying your dress but I think it flew out " I explained.

" What!? How am I suppose to go home now? " She asked.

" Wait here, I'll go buy you some cloths " I replied.

I went to the closest store and bought a T-shirt and shorts.


" Don't ever invite me to a party like that again, I'll make sure you do the dishes and wash the laundry " She warned me.

" Okay, thanks " I said.

I got 8 messages from Bona the minute I turned on my phone.

Bona: Good morning!
Bona: Are you awake yet?
Bona: Do you have time today?
Bona: Did you get home safely last night?
Bona: I'm worried so reply me
Bona: It's 9am, where are you?
Bona: Call me
Bona: Hurry
( Sent, 9:12am )

Hyunjin: I'm sorry, I woke up late
Hyunjin: Don't worry, I got home safely
Hyunjin: Thanks for understanding yesterday.
( Sent, 11:47am )

Bona: Can we meet? My dad wants to meet you.
( Sent, 11:48am )

Hyunjin: Okay, I'll be there by lunch time.
( Sent, 11:49am )

I changed into a proper outfit and combed my hair neatly before driving to her house.

" Annyeonghaseo " I greeted her dad.

" Have a seat, enjoy lunch " He said.

Everyone started to dig in after a short prayer.

" So Hyunjin, what's your future goal? " Her dad asked.

" I use to be a child model for clothings brands and my grandparents are musicial in the past, I've recieved a lot of casting calls from agencies so that might be the next step I'm taking after graduation " I explained.

" Do you live alone? " He brought up.

" Yes, I live separately with my family since I was around 15 but I have a close friend living nearby " I said.

" How are your grades? " He questioned.

" Why are you asking him that? He recieved all A+ in his final exams and got second place overall with a score of 98.2 " Bona answered for me.

" Good, can I trust you with my daughter? " He asked.

" Yes, I will take responsibility of your daughter sir, don't worry " I replied.

" Eat up " Bona told me.

Everything went pretty smoothly until her brother showed up. He ask me to follow him inside his room after lunch.

" What do you want? " I asked.

" Did you sleep with that idiot friend you have? " He asked back.

" Who? Ryujin? Don't you dare call her an idiot " I replied.

" So you did, you ditch my sister for her " He said.

" No, I took her out for a reason, and I didn't sleep with her " I made it clear.

" Don't lie, my friends were there and they saw you carrying her " He revealed.

" She was drunk, what's your problem? " I questioned.

" Don't hang around her too much and don't do anything physical, Bona is your girlfriend so treat her like one " He warned me.

All the way home, I kept thinking about what he said. Have I been treating Bona so badly that her family had to approach me like that?

I stopped the car when I saw a familiar figure near han river. Ryujin and Felix was there eating ice cream.

" Oh! Annyeong Felix " I greeted.

" What are you doing here? Bona didn't call you? " She asked.

" Actually I just came back from her house, can I sit here? " I replied.

They scoot over to give me some space.

" I'm gonna use the restroom, hold my ice cream for me " Ryujin said.

" How important is Ryujin to you? " Felix brought up.

" She's like a sister to me, someone who needs full attention and care, she's too immature to take care of herself " I explained.

" She's cute " He giggled.

" You like her? " I asked.

" I'm not sure " He replied.

" I know you like her " I teased him.

Without realizing, I ate half of her ice cream already as we chat.

" You ate my ice cream " She started hitting me.

I looked at Felix and winked, " I'll buy you another one " Felix offered.

" It's fine there's n— "

" He's a good guy " I said.

" Unlike you " She said back.

Thanks for reading!

The Unwanted Relationship ( Stray Kids Hyunjin and JYP Shin RyuJin )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora